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The moderate, Number 44, 8th-15th May 1649 E.555[16]

Master Thompson and those that adhered unto him, and all others that take up
Armes without Authority of Parliament, declared Traytors.
The Lord General required by letters to suppresie those declared Traytors,
Major General Skipon required to take speciall care to preserve the peace of the
City, with the Trained Bands under his command, The Militiaes of the Suburbs
to do the like, and to obey orders for this purpose from the Councel of State. The
forces of the Army required to be ayding and Assisting to the forces of the City
for that purpose.
The Councel of State Authorized to command all these forces for the safety of
the City and Parliament. The Act of oblivion to be read Munday next, if oblivion
prevent not. The Act to declare what Treason is, in severall Cases, against
the Parllament, &c. read and Committed. An Act to declare the people
of this Nation a free state and Common Wealth, read and Committed; It
would be happie if we could see it so, we finde the contrary as yet, by wofull experience.
The Act for taking off freequarter to be read to morrow: Is it possible to be performed,
unlesse the souldiery be duly paid, An addition ordered to the committee
for advance of 600000 li. by faile of the Bings Lands for pay of the souldiery.
All things to please them now, and indeed great need.
The Acts for setling the Milltiaes of the suburbs to be reported.
May 10.
Colonel Ven required to give an account to the house monday next, why the Act
against Kingships was not proclamed.
The Act for feazing all ships with the Prices Commission was this day proclahmed,
the [unr] people said, God save the king, and hang up the proclamier.
The Act for altering the originall Seal of Nisi Prius in the Kings Bench past:
Another for altering the originall seal of Denbigh and Mountgomery. And a
third likewise for altering the seale of the Porough of Southwark.
An act for the setling the Militia of the Hamblets assented unto. The Corps
of Doctor Domslow brought this day to the Towne, and since removed
to Worcester house, and from thence to be carried to the Grave; A great
funeraH[unr] is preparing for him, his death is much lamented, and the Cavaliers
In time will have this score quit with them, they stink before God and man for
this unhumane Act.
The Irish Officers whose names were in a list, ordered a moity of Concealed
Delinquents estates, which they are to discover in the County of Dorset.
Lieutenant Colonel Beechers first ordered charging moneys for him upon the
Revenue to be punctually observed, and the money paid him forthwith, why be all,
and others none, impartiall an equal Justice is most acceptable, there are many poore
men that have not bread to put in their mothers, have as much reason of speedie payment.
Bagshot. May 9.
Sir, his Excellency, Lieutenant General, and the Brigade are got well either,
some murmuring here is amongst the souldiery, it was expected that many would
have deserted us this night, but there was not above five out of the Lieutenant
Generals Regiment that lest us, and but few more out of the rest, not considerable,
we march hence to morrow morning; what they intend when they come neerer, we
know not.
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