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The moderate, Number 44, 8th-15th May 1649 E.555[16]

Stockbolm in Swetbland, the 4. of April.
The 30 past, was the concluding or closing up of the Diet, and was published in
the great Hall of the Royal Castle of this City, with much solemnity, in presence
of the Queen, and all the States of the Kingdom; and the Assembly being dismissed,
most of them are returned home, a few onely remaining here about private
ralissimo of the Swedish Forces in Germany, agreed upon at the Diet, hath not
been as yet registred, but is put off till after the Queens Coronation, which is appointed
by a general consent to be the 30 of August next, preparations being
daily made for it. The marriage betwixt the Frince Palatine, Christianus Augustus
de Sultxback with the Countess of Nassaw, widow of the Field-Marshal wrangle,
is to be solemnized wkhin 15 days; the Nobility come in to this City a pace,
among whom is Prince John Cassimir. The Earl Magnus dela Gardy is to go very
shortly for Germany, waiting onely for this dispatches.
Dantzick, the 13 Dito.
The Cessation agreed upon betwixt the Polanders and Cosacks, is broken, by
reason of the mis-intelligence betwixt the Cosacks, and the Boors of Russia, the
one not approving of the said Cessation, whereby they are gathered to the number
of 30000 in one body, with an intent to give battle to the Polanders, notwithstanding
the Cosacks contrary resolution. The Polanders shew much resolution,
and willingness to fight, although their number be far less, being not above 12000
in all; but to balance the matter, most of their men are high Dutch, old Souldiers,
which upon occasion will do good service. We have intelligence, that Duke
Ratzivil Field-marshal General of the Poland forces in Lithuania hath had good
success in many encounters against the Cosacks, which hinders them from
making any inrodes, or plundering the Countrey, as they have done
Vienns, the 16 of April.
The Garrison of Newhawsel in Hungaria is supplied with 200 Dragoons, and
200 Horse, the better to hinder the Turks from an invasion of the Countrey,
which they threaten daily, chiesly that of Buda, whose Bashaw being lately taken,
and his son (as you have heard) and brought prisoners thither, by the Count Forgatz,
the Bashaw hath prostered for his ransom 21000 Rixdollers, his son being
mortally wounded, died few days after. The Diet of Presbourg goes on very
well, with hopes of good success. The Coronation of the Empress, is agreed upon
to be the last of this moneth, although some opposition was against it. The
Emperor hath commanded his family to depart, himself being to follow, and intends
to spend some days at Laxemburgh. The Generalissimo Picolomini, and
Mounsier Lindensputes of the Counsel of State, are preparing for their journey into
Germany, and Captain Mults is to joyn with them, to be at the General Assembly
at Nuremberg, there to treat with the Prince Palatine of Sweden, about the
disbanding of the Armles on both sides.
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