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The moderate, Number 44, 8th-15th May 1649 E.555[16]

Prague, the 22 of April.
The 14 instant, Commissary General collobrot went towards Budweis, to gather
up such moneys due from the Country, for the payment of those Officers lately
disbanded at Vienna, as also for to pay the Souldiers their Arrears. The next day
Count Coloredo, and some other chief Officers of this City, were feasted by the
Swedish General irittemberg, in the Castle of this City. This General death daily
expect the 300000 Gilders, which he is to have upon the yeelding up those places
they hold in Bohemia; but in regard the moneys cannot be procured so soon, as is
desired, its thought he will keep possession of Egger and Tabor in this Kingdom,
till he have satisfaction.
Ratisbone, the 23 Dito.
The Bavarian Regiment commanded to go against the other Regiment which
mutined, and had seased upon the Castles of Hipolestein and Heideck, having
blocked them up some days, were forced to yield upon mercy, and being drawn
into the field, were disarmed, and forced to take a new oath, but the authors of the
mutiny were hanged, and the rest commanded to march towards Amberg in the
upper Palatinate.
Humborough, the 24 of April.
The moneys appointed for the payment of the Swedish Souldiers, is to be
brought hither so soon as the forces on both sides are disbanded.
We hear from Warsovia of a great fight that hath been lately neer Bar in Podolia,
between the Poland Army, and the Boors of Russia, a great number of them
being slain; thereupon the Cossacks being very much incensed, looking upon it
as a breach of the Cessation are resolved to be revenged thereof; whereupon the
King of Poland hath granted new Commissions for to make new levles for
Munster in Westphalia, the 4 of May.
The Count Oxenstern, one of the Plenipotentiaries for the Crown of Sweden,
for the general peace, is come back to this City, to make some Proposals unto the
States of the Empire, about the disbanding of the Armies, and the restitution
which is to be made on both sides; but it is supposed that both will be deferred
till the general Assembly at Nuremberg. Where it is hoped all things will be
happily concluded. Mounsiers de Vautorte and d Aumcourt. are appointed Commissioners
for the Kingdom of France, and many Deputies are sent from the
princes and States of Germany, and other places concerned. The Spanish party
like so well their quarters in the lower Palatinate, that as yet they shew no willingness
for the surrendring of the Town of Frankendale, and other places in the
The Prince Elector remaineth yet at Gulick.
Lisborn, the 6 of April.
There is great hopes that at last the Pope will take commiseration upon this
Kingdom, and admit of Church Officers to be established in those places that are
voyd, the business having been above eight yeers depending; but now his
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