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The moderate, Number 46, 22nd-29th May 1649 E.556[31]

THE Moderate:
Impartially Communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM OF
From Tuesday May 22. to Tuesday May 29. 1649.
TRoubles billowed upon the stormy Waves of Necessity,
ought to Harbor boldly in the Top sails of Magnanimity;
with Patience may on high rejoyce, and sollace themselves
sweetly with Sols refreshing Influence. To contemn Injury,
argues much of Christianity; and then that, no
better way to be avenged of a Dicourtesie, Love Uprightness,
and Integrity, procures Favor with God and
man, and must destroy thine enemy, at least make him
ashamed, and dispair of any fruit of his inveterate
malice against thee.
May 22.
Mr. Snelling, Mr. crompton, and Sir william Strickland desired to come to the
House, according to their places, because there may be a fuller House.
The Committee of the Army to prepare a competent number of Acts, touching
Free quarter, to be sent unto the several Regiments of the Army, and that the
General give Order to publish the same in all the Armies quarters. Its full pay, and
not the Act, that takes off Free-quarter; and it were to be wished, there such a course
were taken, that the Souldiers might have their full pay, all things being at so dear a
Mr. Mabbot discharged of his imployment of Licensing, according to his own,
and the Councel of States desire to the House.
The Sequestred Timber at Morpcts, cast our for building of Ships, to be disposed
of for that use.
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