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The moderate, Number 46, 22nd-29th May 1649 E.556[31]

Mr. Millington Ordered to bring in an Act, to give power to all Committees to
give oaths: But I hope not against [unr] of Fact, or Information,
for the oath exossicio, hath been [unr] a great violation of the just Liberty
of this Nation.
A Letter to be sent to the Parliament, or Estates of Scotland, assented unto, desiring
Commissioners may be chosen by both Nations, and a place appointed for
them to treat, for setling of a firm League and Amity, and preserving a right
understanding between them. Thus the interest of both Nations being satisfied, they
may be mam[unr] to joyn against the late disturbers of the Peace of both Nations.
The Clark of the Parliament, ordered to peruse the Journals for such Delinquents,
whose Fines were set by the House.
Upon Report from Goldsmiths Hall, Resolved upon the Question, by the commons
Assembled in Parliament,
That the Reports of all such Fines as have not past either House, shall be forthwith
drawn up, and presented to the Commissioners mentioned in the Act, Entituled
[An Act presenting certain times to Delinquents, for perfecting their compositions,] for their approbation, in order to final discharge.
Resolved &c. That the said Reports shall be made to the Commissioners in order
of time, as they were set, and not otherwise.
Resolved &c. That such Reports being made, and the Fines allowed and confirmed
by the said commissioners, a final discharge shall issue forth to every such
Compounder according to the Authority and Directions expressed in the said Act:
And if any Compounder shall not pay in his whole, Fine within six weeks after his
Composition shall be allowed and confirmed, as asoresaid, That then he shall incur
the full penalties expressed in the afotesaid Act.
Resolved &c. that the Cases of all Delinquents Compounders, who have Petitioned
for miligation of their Compositions, and such whose, Reports are not yet
made to this House, and are Ordered to be specially reported (except all such as are
secluded by the Vote made the 19 of May, 1949.) shall be, and hereby are referred
unto the Commissioners at Goldsmiths Hall, to hear and determine all the said
Cases; the said Commissioners proceeding therein according to the Rules for
Compositions given them by the House, and according to such Articles as the
Compounder hath just right unto, the said Articles being allowed and confirmed
by both or either House of parliament.
His Excellencles Later, desiring an Exposition Lecture weekly in Oxford, referld.
for Oxford, The Marshal Power is not thereby included in the Civil Authority.
One thousand pounds ordered for repair of sandown, Dean, and weymore Castles,
to be paid by the Revenue, out of the late sallary allowed to the Queen of Bobemia.
An Act for setling the Militia of the Hamblets, past. Which take at large.
Be it Enacted by the Commons in Parliament assembled, That Major General
s[unr]ppon, colonel Francis l[unr]est Lleut. of the Tower of London; Thomas Hubbert,
Solomon Smith, Maurice Thomson, Hilary Mempris, and George cooper, Esqs; Col.
John Vew, Col. Francis Zacbary, Col. William willougbby, Col. John white, Lient.
Col. William Level, Michael Sanusome Gent. Capt, John King, Capt. Manning,
Capt. John Taylor, Capt, Henry west, Capt, Robert Hackwell, Capt. Robert
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