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The moderate, Number 46, 22nd-29th May 1649 E.556[31]

by what persons or instruments they think sit, to be gathered in, the Arrears of all
former Assessments made by all or any of the former Committees of the Militia
there, by vertue of any former Ordinance of Parliament whatsoever; and also to
cause a new Rate and Assessment to be made upon all persons, Lands and Goods
within the said Hamblers, not exceeding the sum of Five hundred Pounds; and to
have and use all such power, and give such allowance for the collecting and receiving
of all the said Arrears, and of the said new assessment in the Ordinance of the Three and
twentieth of June, one thousand six hundred forty and seven, For the raising of
Moneys to be imployed towards the maintenance of the Forces within this Kingdom,
under the Command of his Excellency the Lord Fairfax. And It is further
Enacted and Ordaied, That if any person or persons shall finde him or themselves
agrieved, that he or they are over rated and shall within six days after demand made,
complain to the said Committee, That then the said Committee or any five or
more of them. Shall have power to relieve such persons, as they shall see just cause.
And it is further Enacted, that if any Constable, Headborough, or other Peace Officer
within the said Hamblets, shall slight, neglect, or refuse the service and authority
of Parliament, or to ayd and assist so has are lawfully deputed and authorized
by the Parliament, or their Committees, for the service of the State, That
then the said Committees or any five no more of them, upon complaint and just
proof made thereof unto them by two witness all be hereby impowered and authorized
to remove and displace any Constable, Headborough, or other Officer so
offending, as aforesaid; and to nominate and place such other faithful and wel-affected
persons in their stead as th v shall think meet: And to present, and cause
such persons as shall be by them so nominated and chosen as aforesaid, to be sworn
by the two next justices of the Peace within the said Hamblets, unto the aforesaid
Offices, according to Law.
The Late kings children, and the Earl of Northumberland to be considered of
tomorrow morning.
Dutch Officers on Friday, But that day seven-night may serve their turns.
Commissioners names past for the Assessments of 90000 l. per mensem. It
were to be wished, the poor people of England, had a daily allowance to maintain themselves
and families with bread.
The City of Sarum the County of Devon and Town of Pool, to have Leave to
double, for purchasing Dean and Chapters Lands, upon moneys formerly advanced
by them for the service of the Publike.
An Act for removing obstructions in sale of Dean and Chapters Lands Committed.
May 14.
An Act for sale of Ecclesiastical Promotions, in the gift of the Common wealth,
committed. This, with other things, may happily in time case the Nation of Fre
and Assessments.
The Merchants Strangers Petition referred. Three pence in the pound allowed
to the Trustees, for sale of Bishops Lands and but one peny in the pound to
the Trustees for Dean and Chapters, charged upon the I reasury of their receipts.
The Lady Elizabeth Letter read, desiring an allowance, and settlement. The
Councess of ler thereupon ordered to take her, and the Duke of Glocester into
protection, and tuition, till further Order. Three thousand pound per annum allowed
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