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The moderate, Number 50, 19th-26th June 1649 E.561[19]

The Moderate:
Impartially communicating Martial
Affairs to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday June 19. to Tuesday June 26. 1649.
Pompey could abide no equal, and cesar would admit of
no Superior ; yet Lewis the eleventh was wont to say,
That Ambition was no sooner in the Saddle, but Mischief
and Shame was on the Crupper. And as experience herein
is the best knowledge to some, so may it give the surest caution
to others. The Reason is rendred plain by the Wiseman,
who faith, Pride goeth before destruction, and
the haughty man shall be brought low; because the Lord
will stain the pride of all mens glory. But possibly the
Fool may say, There is no God, either to take notice of
his Childrens afflictions, or to ease them of their oppressions; and therefore, he
resolves to eat and drink, and make merry, never thinking that to morrow he must
due ; yet shall his destruction like a thees upon him, and bring his hory head
with shame to grave, and his name shall be infamous to all posterity.
June 19.
upon consideration of the services of the Lord Brodshaw, his Lordship is voted
2000 l. per annum, to be setled on him and his heirs forever, and the Councel of
State ordered to pay him 1000 l. towards his charges in the publike service.
One thousand pounds worth of Land to be setled on Major General Skippon.
And 2000 l. more in money for him, which they charged on several Counties.
Lieutenant General cromwel referred to the Committee of the Army, for a
discharge of the moneys received by him, in the Weich and Scotish Expedition.
Eight pence per Bushel laid upon forraign Salt, not made in this Nation.
The Castle of Lancaster to be demolished.
Referred to the Committee of Admiralty, to examine the business touching
Van center, and Adrian Henrix, Merchants, and report.
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