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The moderate, Number 50, 19th-26th June 1649 E.561[19]

June 20.
Lieutenant General Ireton his request this day, concerning some Petitions that
long laid in his hands, and which he desired to be discharged of, before his going
for Ireland, granted. The Petitions debated, and Orders made upon each of them,
which took up the whole day.
June 21.
Mr. Lenthal upon report from the Committee for absent Members, ordered to be
Lieutenant General Cramwel his commission, to be reported to morrow.
As likewise the Acts to be past before the House adjourns.
An Act for fetling the receipts of Excise, took up all the day, twice read and
One Mr. Needham, the reputed Author onely of Pragmaticus, this day apprehended
by a Messenger.
June 22.
Fifteen hundred pounds to be paid to the Earl of Northumberland, according to
former order, out of the moneys that were lately taken, and intended to be speedily
A Colonel likewise to have some part thereof towards payment of his arrears.
The report from the Councel of State of what Acts are to be past before the adjournment
of the House, made according to former Order.
An Act for a general pardon, with some exceptions to certain persons, to whom
that mercy is not to be extended.
An Act for prohibiting Wool and Fullers earth to be exported.
Another to prevent exportation of Gold and Silver.
An Act for punishing revolting Sea men and Marriners and invest the Judg
of the admiralty with this power.
Another for relieving wel affected Tenants, against their oppressing and disaffected
An Act to prevent Printing of seandalous Papers, and punishing the Printers,
Authors, and Venders of such as shall be divtilged.
Another for punishing the licencious and scandalous Clamors of the Pulpits.
An Act to pass for revoking the Clause of 35. Eliz. concerning pretended
Another for relief of poor prisoners of debt.
An Act for securing the Souldiers Arrears, out of the late Kings Lands.
Another for prohates of wills, and granting Administrations, and for setling
a way to invest Ministers presented unto Churches.
They likewise reported such things as are to be put in a way, during the reects, to
ripen them for the next Session of the House, viz. That a Commission be directed
40 fit persons in the several Counties, to examine the value of Tithes, through all
the Nation, that they may be taken away, and other maintenance setled instead
thereof on the Ministry.
That the calling, sitting, and ending of future Parliaments, be prepared.
And likewise, an Act for regulating the proceedings at Law, and preventing
tedious suits; and likewise consider what Laws are fit to be repealed. There onely
for the present were reported.
It was hereupon Voted, That Munday next the House should begin to pass these
[unr]lls, most of them being ready drawn.
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