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The moderate, Number 50, 19th-26th June 1649 E.561[19]

An Act past for making Mr. Bernard, Steward, and Judg of the court of Pleas
in the isle of Ely.
Another for setling the Affizes of Lancashire, in the Castle of Lancaster.
Lieutenant General crumwel voted chief Governor of Ireland, as to the Civil
Affairs, and Commander in chief (absoulte) of all the Forces of that Nation (without
any relation to his Excellency) as to Military.
They further voted, That the Military and Civil Affairs of that Nation, should
be committed to one particular person, and setled on him for the present.
His Commission for that purpose, was read in Latine and English, and ordered
to be past under the great Seal of England.
His Commission voted to continue for three yeers.
The Painted Chamber to be made ready, and hung for the Commissioners
that are to relieve persons grieved, concerning Articles.
An Act for stating the Accompts of Officers and Souldiers assonted unto: The
Committee for this purpose, to be that which sits a Worcester House.
The chief Governor and Commander in chief of the Nation of Ireland, reports
the Case of a Lady of quality, concerning her Composition. The House upon
debate thawed her much favor.
An Act for the Relief of all such persons as have been, are or shall be sued, molested,
or any ways damnified, contrary to Articles own Conditions granted in time of war.
WHereas divers complaints have been made touching the breach of Articles
or Conditions, granted or agreed upon in time of War, the Parliament
of England now assembled taking into consideration the Faith of their Armies,
and Forces by Land ingaged for the performance of the same, and how much it
concerneth them in Justice and Honor, that the same be made good, and no violation
thereof permitted, Do Enact and Ordain, and be it Enacted and Ordained
by this present Parliament, and by authority thereof, That the persons
hereafter mentioned (that is to say) the Lords Commissioners for the Great-Seal
of England for the time being, and every of them, the chief Justices, and the rest
of the Justices of the Upper Bench and Common Pleas respectively, for the time
being, and every of them, the chief Baron, and the rest of the Barons of the Exchequer
for the time being, and every of them, John Bradshaw Serjeant at Law,
Lord President of the Councel of State, william Earl of Salisbury, Basil Earl of
Denhigh, Edmund Earl of Mulgrave, Francis west Esquire, Lieutenant of the Tower
of London, Silvanus Tailor, Edward coke, Edward whalley Esquire, Sir David
Watkins Knight, Christopher Pack Alderman, and Samuel Moyer Merchant and
Citizen of London; Matthew Shepherd, Robert Tichborn, Owen Rowe, John Sadler,
Esquires; Sir Nathaniel Brent, John Brown Esquire. Walker
Doctor of the Laws, Thomas Hamond Esquire, Lieutenant General of the
Ordnance, Sir John Wollastan Knight, and John Fowk, Aldermen of London, Sir
Henry Holcrost Knight, John Hays Esquire, William Underwood, Nathaniel Whetham
Esquires; Sir William Rowe Knight, Thomas Blunt Esquire, and Lampson
Sheffield Esquire, shall be and are hereby constituted and appointed Commissioners
for the ends and purposes in this Act expressed; and that or any nine
or more of them, meeting at such times and places as hereafter in this act is directed,
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