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The moderate, Number 50, 19th-26th June 1649 E.561[19]

shall have power to nominate and appoint a Register, to enter and keep a Registry
of all complaints that shall be brought before them, and of all their proceedings,
Orders and Determinations thereupon, and also shall have power to administer
an Oath, or Oathes to any person or persons that shall or may be produced as
Witnesses upo any such complaint, and many such case as aforesaid, for the giving
of true evidence therein; as also by their Order to authorize and impower
such persons 25 they shall think fit, to take examinations of Witnesses upon Oath
in any cause or causes depending before them, by vertue of this Act (where they
shall finde the same necessary) and such examinations to return unto them the said
Commissioners, to be used as evidence in the said causes respectively; and the
said Register shall have such reasonable Fees for his service (as the said Commissioners,
or any nine or more of them authorized and limited as aforesaid) shall
appoint or allow. And be it also enacted, That the said Commissioners, or any
nine or more of them, shall have power, and are hereby authorized, to examine
Witnesse upon Oath for discovering where any person or persons hath had benefit
of Articles to the prejudice of the Commonwealth, where they were not comfit
prized in the said Articles, or have had more benefit by the said Articles then
they ought to have had; and in all and in every such case so appearing, to take
Order for satisfaction to be given unto the state or Party agrieved: And for the
more certain meeting and proceeding of the said Commissioners in the execution
of or this Act, The said Commissioners appointed by this Act, are hereby authorized
and required to meet on Wednesday the twentieth day of June, 1649.
in the afternoon in the Painted-Chamber, then and there to begin the execution
of this Act, and thence to adjourn their meeting from time to time, as the
major part of them that shall meet accordingly from time to time shall think sit
and appoint, and any three or more of the said Commissioners from time to time
meeting accordingly, shall be a sufficient number to Order a further adjournment.
Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That this Act shall continue
and be in force onely until the 20th. day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1650.
and no longer. Provided always, That this Act, nor any thing herein contained,
shall be construed to control an Order, or Ordinance of the Lords and Commons,
bearing date the ninth of December, 1643. or any other Order or Ordinance
of Parliament, concerning the Town of Kings Lynn, and the Articles
unto by the Earl of Manchester, upon the yielding up of the said Town; but that
the said Order or Ordinance and all proceedings thereupon had, shall be as
good and effectual in Law, as if this Act had never been made, Any thing herein
contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
Die Luna, 18 Junii, 1649.
ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Act be forthwith
printed and published.
Hen: Scobell, cleric, Parliament.
Stockholm, June 10
The last week, the Count la Gardy, did make a great feast to all the Nobles and
others of quality in this Court, and afterwards took his leave of them all, and is
gone to Dalerham, where he is to take shipping, and from thence to wismar. The
Lord Chancellor being gone abroad, before he was quite recovered of his late long
sickness, is now faln into a relapse. There is great preparations here, for the setting
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