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The moderate, Number 50, 19th-26th June 1649 E.561[19]

out of a Fleet, which as it thought, will be ready to put to Sea very suddenly.
Dantzick, the same day.
The King of Poland fully resolved to march into the field the first of the next
moneth; but yet the business is deterred for longer time, upon some differences
among the Nobility, who have not all obeyed his Commands, besides some late
discontents happened among our Senators; who with one consent have summoned
a Diet the fourth of the next moneth; nevertheless, upon advice received of the
great warlike preparations made by the Cossacks, and that General chmielniski endeavors
to draw the discontented Nobility to him, and that the Turks, Tartars,
Russians and Transdvanians, are resolved to send supplies to this General, therefore
after that the Counsel of War was held several times, it was there agreed upon,
That fair means should be offered to agree those things now in controversie with
the cossacks; and to that end Commissioners were named, although the Plague
doth continue so hot in the cossacks Army, that it is thought he is not of himself
able to undertake any great business, without some great supplies come to him:
but to prevent it, his Majesty hath again sent some Commissioners to the Prince of
Transylvania, who are to represent to the life, the present condition of Affairs in
Poland, and withal, desire 3 continuation of their ancient alliances.
Vienna, June 13.
The States of Hungaria have again sent to the Emperor, to beseech him, that he
would be pleased to proclaim open wars against the Turks, by reason they go on
still in their old course, to annoy the Country by their frequent inrodes, having
made a great spoyl in the Towns and Cities, about the Mountains; but as yet his
Imperial Majesty seemeth to have little inclination to it, chiefly since there is lately
an Aga come to Raab, to treat with him, concerning the borders of Hungaria,
which as it seems is the main difference betwixt them.
Ratisbone, the same day.
The 31 last, after many great disputes on boeth sides, between the Duke of Bevaria,
and out Magistrate, concerning the old Taxes and Impositions, all was agreed;
and at the same time, the Regiment of Horse, belonging to the Duke
Wittemberg, was disbanded.
Lubeck, June 14.
The Commissioners of Hamborough, and of this City, being gone to General
Koningsmark (who is still at Newshaus) about the disbanding of some Swedish forces
in those parts, have had no other answer, but that they should go seek redress at
Noremberg, from the Prince Palatine of Sweden. We hear from Riga, that there is
great likelihood of a breach, betwixt Sweden and Russia.
Bremen, the 15 dito.
Twenty English Merchant ships, with five men of war for their Convoy, are
lately gone through the Zundt, and are bound, some for Dantzick, and the rest to
other Towns on that Coast; the Convoy hath tarried at the Zundt, expecting other
ships to return, and so to be convoyed home, where of the King of Denmark having
notice, did presently command five great ships, well maned who have order to wait
for out merchant ships at their return home: And his Majesty goeth on about
the speedy setting out of his fleet to sea, which is to be of fourty and two good
Novemberg, June 18.
There hath been here a great debate in the Assembly, about the restitution of
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