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The moderate, Number 50, 19th-26th June 1649 E.561[19]

those places which are in controversies, the Imperialists prosser, that till the surrender
of Frankendal, the Elector Palatine shall enjoy benefeld; yee it is thought, upon
the return of the Messenger, from the Emperor, all things will be concluded; seeing
generally there is a compliance on all parts, for the full execution of the Treaty,
and in chief, the Duke of Bavaria, who offers to deliver up Heidelberg, according
as he is bound by the Treaty, so soon as the Elector Palatine shall have also satisfied
on his side, according to that he is engaged, and the Imperialists do also promise
all satisfaction to the Swedish Army; and that having received some part of their
Arrears, they shall have good security given for the rest, in all Circles and Counties
where they quarter, before they disband.
Munster in Westphalia, June 13
Although Mounster Langebuck, Commissioner for the Duke of Luneburgh, at
the General Assembly, together with other Commissioners that have pretences upon
the Bishoprick of Osnabruck, have met oftentimes about the decision of those differences;
it is beleeved for all that, it will be in vain, seeing the Bishop doth daily
bring on new objections and difficulties, to be resolved, before it can be brought
to any agreement. It is reported, that the States of Gulick, and Cleveland, are so
discontented with the Dukes of Erandenburgh, and Newburgh, that they have called
a Generall Assembly, and speak no lets then to leave off their old Lords, and put
themselves under the protection of the Emperor.
Amsterdam, June 16.
The Spanish party are here buying up Horses for their own use, many of their
new Troopers being yet dismounted; they are still in the same quarters they were
in December last. The Lorraine forces are about Lukeland, and in that Country, they
have raised a body of an Army of 3000 foot, and 600 horse, the better to secure
themselves from those Lorrainers. Some few days since, the Governor of Mastrick
having notice that the Spanish party were carrying away prisoners some Officers
which had been lately set by the States General, on the other side of the Maze,
Tent a Troop of Horse for their relief, who being come up to them, rescued the
prisoners, and slew some of them that carried them away, putting the rest to flight:
And left the spaniards should intend thereupon some revenge therefore the Prince
of orange hath commanded all Governors of places, and Officers at War, to
stand on their guard.
Strasburgh the same day.
The Prince Elector is now marching upwards, first by collen, and so to Frankfort
on the Main, and from thence to Noremberg; and indeed, it is very necessary,
seeing that one of the main Obstacles and hindrances, about the executing of the
Treaty, is concerning the lower Palatinate. As yet nothing is done more then you
have already heard (all depending upon the return of the Express) he having sent
to the Emperor, to know what will be done about the delivering of Frankendal;
wherefore it hath been propounded by the Princes and Estates of the Empire, that
this may be waved, and put off till the Last; and that in the mean time, the Elector
should have the choice of some places in Bohemia, till Frankendal be surrendered;
but the French and Swedish Commissioners have utterly denyed it, declaring, That
although they were as much as any other, for the execution of the Peace agreed
upon yet nothing was to be expected from them before the restitution of Frankerdal,
being not minded at all to accept of any exchange.
Naples, June 5.
The Royal Chamber hath put to sale the City of Ascoli, with many other places
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