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The moderate, Number 50, 19th-26th June 1649 E.561[19]

in the Province of Povilla, having found no better means for their subsistence,
Of our souldiery this week were shipped here 2000, who are intended for Spain, our
Vice-King being present at the entrance of our Port in a Galiotte, richly set out:
Here is come in a Galley from Gaietta, the marquess de cell [unr]amare, who tells us,
That the Duke of Gutse, before his going away from that Castle (where he hath
been always kept prisoner, since he was taken) being to be carried prisoner into
spain, and guarded by four Captains Reformadoes, in whose custody he is intrusted
hath distributed many gifts among the Spanish Officers, and much alms
among the poor people. Our Vice-King having taken a distaste against our Archbishop,
by reason that he had send several times to salute this Duke, and know his
welfare, hath commanded him to depart that Kingdom within a set time; but he
waited for the going away of the Duke, which being done, he did signifie the same
unto him so much the sooner, in regard that this Cardinal did absolutely refuse to
depart, till he saw an express order for it, under the King of Spains hand, which
being shewed unto him, he is making ready to depart with all speed, and convenicy,
to the great grief of our Inhabitants, who are much displeased at such harsh
dealings; for so it is with all throughout the Kingdom, there being a new League,
and a strong Coufederacy in several parts, against the Spanish party: But a
Tradesman of this City having gathered together many of his Camarades, began
to make some stir, and to cry out several times, Viva Francia 3 he had no sooner
appeared in the field with some Troops of Banditi, and other discontented Citizens,
but a party of our Vice-King was sent against them, who soon discomfited
them, and took the Chieftain prisoner, who two days after was sentenced to be
drawn, hanged, and quattered at the Port of Magdalain.
Rome, June 10.
The Commander Bolognetti is gone from hence to civitta Veccbhia, where he is to
embark in the Church Galleys, who with those of Maltha, are going to relieve the
Venetians in Candia. The Pope hath granted several Commissions for the raising
of some men, as well horse as foot, wherein no diligence is spared. There are
many peeces of Ordnance, and store of Ammunitions drawn out of the Castle
Saint Angelo, which are sent towards Viterbo, and from thence are going into the
Dutchy of Castre, which he intends to take away from the Duke of Parma, although
others are of a contrary opinion. The Duke on his part also useth all
means possible to put himself in a posture of defence, and for procuring of moneys,
hath forbidden expresly, all the Clergy that are not natural subjects, as well beneficed
men, as Fryers, to remain in his Territories, but to depart at a set time; and
for his own subjects, that they presume not to repair to Rome, about the admission
of any benefice, upon pain to incur his high displeasure. The Cardinal Montalto is
going to Civitta vecchia, to imbark himself in the Duke of Florence his Galleys, he
is going to meet the Queen of Spain, and is to bring her as far as Madrid. The
Prince of Gallicano is going again to Naples, being sent for by our Vice-King, but
the Princess, his wife , is unwilling to it; and to that end, she is gone into a monastery,
being fearful to all into the hands of that Vict-King, who we hear, had
sent express command to the Duke d'Elle Noci, and the Duked Andria to fight the
Duel, according to the challenge made the week before; but whether this Order
came too late, or whether they refused to obey it: They fought each with a second,
the first man having onely wounded his adversary, but not mortally; they were
both brought into a Convent of Capuchine Fryers, where afterwards, by the mediation
some, they were reconciled, and made good friends.
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