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The moderate, Number 50, 19th-26th June 1649 E.561[19]

Venice, June 14.
A Frigat come hither from Zanthe hath spred news abroad, that some Turkish Saicques
laden with men, Provisions, and Ammunitions, bound for the relief of Canes, have been
surprised by a party of our Galleys, sent by Generalissimo Moccenigo, in the Fort of Nepoli
de Malvasia. The Turks with a party of 800 horse, are come as fat as Zara and Spalato,
where they have done much spoyl, having burned three villages about Tran. The
24. instant, went from hence, the Procurator Andreas Contarini, being appointed by this
state, as their Ambassador extraordinary, to the King of Poland: Upon Ascension day
our Duke went according to the custome, in a Galliotte, out of our Lido (or Harbor) to
take the possession of our Sea, by a Ceremony called A marriage; he thought also to have
met the Queen of Spain, but accidentally mist of her; for the D. of Mackeda, with others
of the Spanish Nobility hastening her march, whereby they have all lost their labor;
nevertheless, this Senate hath sent her some presents, which they had made ready for her.
Milan, the same day.
The 30. past, the Queen of Spain came hither from Bresse, where the is to make her
entry with the King of Hungaria her brother, the same to be with great solemnity
great preparations being made for that purpose. There is much dislike at the stern humor
of the Duke of Mackeda whose carriage is so lofty, and proud, that every one is discontented
at it, who hath had great words with the Duke de Terranova, to whose tuition the
young Queen was committed; but also with the count of Porcia, Spanish Ambassador
at Venice, who hath done so less to our Governor, who is very much discontented with him.
Gensa, June 16.
Although the Queen of Spain be not expected to come this way, yet have they named
two Commissioners for the finishing of those Pageants, and other things appointed for her
reception. We hear from Madrid, that the King of Spain hath commanded all his servants
and Officers, to repair to Valencia, there to attend her Majesties coming; also that the
Duke de l'Infantado, is gone to Rome as an Ambassador in ordinary, for his Catholike
Turin, June 17.
The French forces in Monteferrato increase daily, where having done some disorderly
actions, forced the inhabitants of Ocimano to take up arms to hinder their coming into
their Town; but there is some course taken to hold them in a more strict discipline.
Marseillis, the 18. dito
There is sad news come to this City, that is, The taking of one of our great ships homewards
bound, in his return from the Levant, besides three more, that we fear, are gone the
same way; all these vessels being richly laden, which amounts to a very great sum of
Bruges, the 19. dito.
The Archduke Leopoldus is still at Brussels, his Army is quartered about Ypres, and as
is reported, are not very well stored with money, nor provisions. His Higness is preparing
for some great design, in the mean time, he hath commanded a Fort to be built between
St Omers and Aire, left the French Army may have some intentions that way.
Amiens, the 20 dito.
Their Majesties are here in good health, the King taking daily his pleasure in hunting,
and other exercises, and intends very shortly to return to compeigne, all our forces met
yesterday at the general Rendezvous in the County of Arthois, where the Count Hartcourt,
who is the Generalissimo, is expected this day. Our Army being together will be no
less then 30000 fighting men and with them is to go a brave train of Artillery; they
intend to enter into the enemies country, and ere it be long you will hear of some action.
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