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The moderate, Number 50, 19th-26th June 1649 E.561[19]

will answer the contrary at a Court Marshal, to be held at the Head quarters; the Judg
Advocate of the Army being hereby required, upon notice given of such Officer, his neglect
of his duty herein, to call luch Officers to an account for the Same, before a court
Marshal, who are desired not onely to see reparation made to the party injured but also to
cause good costs to be given him for his charges, in making his address at the Head quarters.
Given under my hand and seal the 21 of June.1649 Thomas Fairfax.
This Proclamation is to be sent to every Regiment of Horse, and proclaimed at
the Head of each Regiment or Troop.
The Resolutions at a Councel of War at Whitehal, which take at large.
Vpon consideration of the severall allowances for billet money and additionall pay,
requisite to be made to several Regiments of Horse and Foot, and to all other
Foot within the present establishment. In pursuance of the late Act of Parliament for
that purpose, resolved as followeth.
That for Sir. Hardress Wallers, Sir William constables, Colonel Ingaldesbie's Colonel
Burksteads, Colonell Coxe's Colonell Brights, and Colonel Fairfaxes Regiments being
disposed into Garrisons, or Quarters for the present, but to be drawn out upon
occasion for the field; there be allowed for billet money and additionall pay 3. d. per
diem to each private souldier, and non commissioned Officers, of which allowance 2. d.
per diem to be allowed from the seventh of May, 1649 and the other 1. d. per diem from
the fourth of June instant. And when they or any of them shall be called out upon field
service, out of the Garrison, and beyond the respective Counties, where they are or
shall be setled, then to have 1. d. per diem more for encrease of pay allowed to each souldier,
and Non-Commissioned Office respectively, during such their imployment.
That for all other Foot selted in Garrison, there be allowed 1 d per diem, for billet
money, and 1. d per diem for additionall pay, and of these the billet money to commence
from the 7th. of May, and the additional pay from the 4th. Of June instant.
That for the Lord Generals, and Colonel Prid's Regiments of Foot (while they guard
the Parliament and City) and to any other Regiment that shall come to relieve, or assist
them (while such Regiments shall be upon that duty) there be allowed for billet money,
and additionall pay to each private souldier, and Non-Commission Officers 4. d. per
diem, and this allowance to the Generals and Colonel Prides Regiments, to be made from
the 7. h. of May, 1649.
That the same allowances (as to the Generals and Colonel Prides Regiments) be made
to the severall Regiments of Foot that go for Leland, as upon the now establishment, until
they shall be transported into Ireland, and then the half there of to cease (as to billet
money) and the other half as additionall pay to be continued, during the time limited in
the said Act of Parliament: And of this allowance to the Lieutenant Generals Regiment
of Foot, the whole to be made from the 7th of May, 1649 ( in regard in continued
that moneth in London) but to other Regiments for Ireland, 2 d. per diem, to be allowed
from the 7th of May, and the other 2. d per diem from the 4. h. of June
Concerning, allowances to the Horse and Diagoons, resolved, as followeth,
That for such Regiments and Troops as stay in England, the full allowances by the
said Act be made accordingly, and also the same to those that engage for Ireland, until
they shall be transported, and then the one half thereof (as for billet money) to ccase,
and the other half as additionall pay to be continued, during the time limited by the
Parliament in the said Act: And of this allowance to the Horse and Dragoons, The
whole to be made to Colonel Saunders and Colonel whaleys Regiments, from the 7th of
May, 1649. (in regard they continued then upon the guard of the Parliament) but to the
rest of the Regiments 3 d. perdiem from the 7th. of May, and the other 3 d. from the 4th.
of June.
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