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The moderate, Number 52, 3rd-10th July 1649 E.564[1]

The Moderate:
Impartially Communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday July 3. to Tuesday July 10. 1649.
THe Camelian is said to be as capable of all colours, as the
Politique and unrighteous are of all delusions; who
cloak Malice and private Interest, under the Notion of
Holiness and Ambition with Convetousness, under pretence
of a just Government; Wearing a white Garment
(like Alexander) without, but lined with treacherous
Purple within. Their words are more deceitful,
then the Oracle of Apollo are doubtful; and their Oaths
as little binding, as their Promises faithful. Their Mercy
is Cruelty and their Vain glory and Ambition, the ruine of many glorious
Nations: They drink the blood of the Righteous, and when their thirst is satisfied,
they spill it like water upon the ground; they eat their flesh likewise, and
break their bones in pieces as for the pot, and as flesh within the Chaldron; they
feast with the bread of the hungry and fatherless, and grinde the faces of the poor
by Oppression; they inrich themselves by the desolations of Jacob, and will not
let the Children of Israel go, but layes greater Burthens upon them; they buy
large possessions in the earth and call their houses after their own names; they
humble themselves before the Lord, and for a pretence make long prayers though
their hearts are far from him; but the Lord tells them, he hates their new Moons,
their Sabbaths, and appointed Feasts, and and Assemblies, they are a burthen unto
him, and he is weary to bear them. His destruction shall come like a whirl-wind
upon them, and there shall be none to deliver them. Thus the Lord Shall enter into
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