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The moderate, Number 59, 21st-28th August 1649 E.572[1]

The Moderate:
Impartially communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday August 21. to Tuesday August 28. 1649.
THe end of Patience is the expectation of Promises, and
the non or delatory performance thereof, with provoked
Injury, occasions sometimes a scorching flame to break
out with a consuming Fury; which as it may be unquenchable,
so will the loss thereby to us become irrepairable,
and possibly our childrens children may not see
these breaches healed, or this Enmity reconciled (a sad
portion of loving Parents, and ill fruits of a reformed
Interest.) But is there no Balm in Giliad, or Manna in
the Desert to heal the mortal Wounds, and satisfie the hungry Appetite of a starved,
ruined, and most distressed people; which will soon devour themselves, murmur
against Divine Providence, or be inforced to beg Heaven for a return to their
former bondage? And would not then our tasks be augmented, and our stripes
multiplied, and we left without hope for ever to be redelivered?
August 21.
Letters reported from the chief Governor of Ireland, of his setting fall for Ireland,
read. And an overture and desire therein, offered to the pleasure of the House,
for making null penal Statutes that enforce the Consciences (without exception of
the Book of Common Prayer, Blaspemy, heresie) &c. (so much hinted at.)
Most of the Ministers of London, and the several Countries of the Nation having
(its conceived) by consent, most maliciously resolved to disobey the present Authority,
pretending not satisfied therein; and for that purpose have not lately, and
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