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The moderate, Number 59, 21st-28th August 1649 E.572[1]

probably will not for the future obey their Acts for days of Humiliation and
Thanksgiving (unless their private interests be provided for; and then doubtless
they are what they please) The House referred it to the Committee for Obstructions,
to bring in an Act for Commissioners to be chosen in all Counties to make
choice of fit, and able men to be made Ministers, that cannot conform to the present
Ordinance for Ordination to preach, and that they present their names to the
The Petition of the Reformade Officers of Colonel Sandersons Regiment,
read. They referred it to the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall to consider of the
business touching 9100 l. and the 42000 l. (for those in a List) and that they
call to them the Treasurers for maimed souldiers, and the Committee for Sequestrations
at Guidhal; and advise how the same may be paid, and examine whether
the 9100 l. ought not to be part of the 42000 l. And consider of several Petitions
concerning that business.
A Party (not of Ministers) came this day to Winchester House, to search Lieutenant
Colonel Lilburns lodgings for the Book intituled, A charge of high Treason
against Lieutenant General Cromwel, and commissary General Ireton; at which, his
Wife (in his absence) was much affrighted; but himself coming from the Tower,
and hearing thereof, made haste to his house, and demanding the reason of so
great a multitude, and their business; one of them that had the Warrant-demanded
his person, He asked by what Warrant? It was replyed, by Warrant from the
Councel of State; which after he had read, He asked the Party (who served it)
whether he had read it; he answered, yea. The Lieutenant Colonel replyed,
Surely it was then in the dark, or else he was ill-fighted; for that the Warrant mentioned
nothing concerning the seizing his person (which was by special Order of
that they called Parliament, committed to the Tower, and since bayled by the same
Authority. After some short discourse (which I shall not mention) the party returned
with some few Printed Books of several subjects, which they found in his
An Act committed for constituting a Government for Florida Plantation, to be
subordinate to England.
Another for settling the Colledg of Westminster, and preserving certain Lands
of the late Deanery thereof from sale, for maintenance of Westminster School, and
setling of Westminster.
Several Papers taken at Rye in a Frenchmans Trunk, discoverign a design to be
carried on by the Romish Priests here, for promoting the setling of the Presbyterian
Government, referred to further examination.
The Officers for Accompts their Sallaries to be paid out of the Grand Excise
till March next.
August 22.
The Act for setling the government of Florida past.
A Member of the House being arrested for a great sum. The House upon Information,
referred it to a Committee.
The Petition of the City desiring more Houses to be allowed for setting poor on
work, referred.
The Representation of the many thousand discontented Miners of Derbishire,
read, and referred to a Committee, to consider how they receive prejudice by the
Order of the House in March last; and because short, and of concernment, take
it at large.
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