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The moderate, Number 59, 21st-28th August 1649 E.572[1]

those supplies which they expect of the Turks and Tartars, their Army will be
200000 strong. In the mean time, the Lord Landscranski having notice that 3000
Cossacks were quartered at a place, not far distant from him. Commanded Colonel
Harf with a party to march privately, thinking to have surprised them; but it could
not be carried so close, but the Cossacks hearing of it, drew out against him, and
having forced him to retire killed many of his men. Yet having speedy relief by
some Polish horse quartered thereabouts, he have them a second on-set, where he put
them to the worst, and forced them even to their quarters. Prince Razivil also being
gone out with a party, met with one of the Cossacks, and after some fight; put
them to the worst, killed 1600, and took many prisoners, among whom is Lieutenant
General Glagarzki, who hath been run through with a stake being alive.
(that kinde of death being also used there) this being done for a revenge of the cruelties
used upon the Poland commissioner.
Naples, August 9
We hear from Sicilia that Dom Juand' Austria, Generalissimo of the Spanish Armado,
intending to recreate himself upon the water. And see the fishing of the fish
called Spada, ventured out in the main Sea upon a Shallop, which having parted
herself from the rest who were also come out with him from the Port of Messma,
it happened that he was set upon by three Saicques of his own fleet, which made
many shot at him, insomuch, that two of his servants were slain close by him; and
having so done, these Rogues thinking to flie, were pursued very close and were all
taken as they thought to have landed. The business being examined, three were condemned
to be hanged, and the rest to be slaves in the Galleys for life. These do
pretend, that the intended not at the Generalissimo, but thought it was a vessel of
Trapani, where as they had been informed, was great store of moneys, and
therefore laid wait for him; yet this Generalissimo suspecting, that this is plotted
against him by our Vice-king, therefore taketh it very hainously and is gone from
Messina to Palerma, after he hath sent an Express to Madrid, to make complaint
thereof; in the interim, our Vice-king to secure himself the more against the
Commonalty of this City, hath therefore sent for some Trained-bands, which are
to be quartered here, whilest he intendeth to build some Sconces and Redouts, upon
the Hill which doth command the Castle St. Elm, he having begun to make a
large and deep More about the place, to separate it from the Convent adjacent.
Rome, August 12.
The 27 past the Colledg of Cardinals celebrated the funerals of the Cardinal
Giustiniani in the new Church, and the next day by others in the Church of Minerun,
by those called of the holy Office. The Marquess Maldachini, brother to the
Signora Olimpia Pamfilii, is also dead suddenly at Viterba. Our forces goes on in
the beleaguring of castro, the Apostolike Chamber following very close the pursuite
of those suits begun against the Duke of Parma, having already by a sentence
given against the said Duke, adjudged the Principalitie of Ronciglione, at the price
of 360000 Duckets, and so proceeds in like maner against other goods of his,
which are all disposed of, for the satisfaction of his debts for the Mount
Prague, the 14 dito.
The thirtieth past, Count coloredo our Governor arrived here, and shortly after
went from hence to Vienna, being so commanded by the Emperor. All is preparing
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