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The moderate, Number 63, 18th-25th September 1649 E.574[22]

The Moderate:
Impartially Communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday September 18. to Tuesday September 25. 1649.
IN the beginning of Government, every small Authority
seemeth great; In the continuance thereof; however
great it be, it seems little; whence it proceeds, That in
time those Magistrates are not endured which were too
greedily at first created.
Liberty and Principality are incomparible, they meet
not together, or if they do, they last not; Every one
seeks his own perfection; which depending upon the destruction
of another, they seek it there. It seemed strange
to the Senate of Rome. That they should be free, and yet
serve; Strange to the Prince, That he should be chief Lord, and not command;
The Mean of Liberty, is the Mother of Tyrants, which being to them intolerable,
whilest by Violence it is taken away, if inforces withal a violent Government; for
indeed, to live quietly, it behoves either to be totally Free, or absolutely to
September 18.
The Potltion of Lieutenant Goodier was this day read, who was Lieutenant to
Lieutenant Colonel Henry Lilburn, before Tinmouth Castle was betrayed; and
then for his good Service in not complying with him but getting away over the
Walls, gave notice to the Governor of Newcastle, Whereby it was regasned the
then he lost his moneys and Cloaths, &c. to the value of 300l. all no had in the
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