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The moderate, Number 63, 18th-25th September 1649 E.574[22]

from France, and whether, we have no certainty possible as yet, not
very probable hither. Great resort of the wel-affected out of Ulster,
to the West part of this Kingdom, of those who can neither swallow
Royalty without limits, nor Religion without bounds; they pray
relief either in Arms or otherway, which will be afforded to the
utmost, that this State is able. Owen mac Art, and Sir Charls Coot,
have so far farther set their horses together, as to gather the Presbyterians
Harvest in the Logan, whence most of the inhabitants are
fled. Sir Alexander Stuart is at the new Town in Claneboys. Sir
Robert, but few men with him, at Belfast. It is believed he will leave
the Countrey, which he may do with shame, as may many others, for
their being so easily drawn into Arms for him, who hath not so
much as declared since His Fathers death, that he will rule according
to Law, were he restored; at least to this Nation. My Lord Ards
and Claneboys agree not, George Monroe and Audley Mervin as
little, they are beyond the Bond Water, with a few, the Countrey
not joyning with them. Audley hath time to study long lines.
September 18.
An Act for punishing Revolters, and trying of Pirates with death,
assented unto, and the Act to be Printed.
The long expected and most desired Act for taking the Accompts
of the Common-wealth, to be read to morrow. This Act if rigerously
and speedily executed, may be of a greater advantage to the Nation,
then can easily be apprehended at present.
The Act for suppressing of unlicenced, scandalous, and all other
Pamphlets that speak against or asperse the present Authority, or
their proceedings, for suppressing Hawkers, and regulating of Printing
amongst the Company of Stationers, reported. A Proviso was
offered, That the singing Psalms, may not hereafer be Printed with
the Bible for time to come; and upon the Question, rejected. The
Act to continue till 28. Martii, 1651. and then to be renewed, if
there be further occasion. The Act put to the Question, and past.
All business of the Army to be Licenced by a Member thereof. The
proceedings of the House, to be Licenced by such as the Clerk thereof
shall appoint. And Forraign Affairs concerning the State to be
Licenced, by such as the Councel of State shall think fit. And must
every Pamphlet that hath something of all these, go to three Licencers
for its stamp of Authority?
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