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The Irish mercury, unnumbered, 25th January-25th February 1649 E.594[5]

will be so ungratefull, as hardly to come and look on
them, or if thay dare, it may put them in the Parliaments
Colour, though not their cloth. There was in
the same Friggot about thirty Barrels of the States
money, I mean as well for the stamp as the property:
sure the well touching of those new. Harps afford
better Musick than those in that Country, of which
one of them is the Armes.
His Excellency, to aire and disperse those clothes
and this money, elected a designs a worthy the undertaker
as any this Dominion can afford: He divides
that part of the Army, he intended to draw forth, into
three Brigades: That which he in person led, was
to fall into the Province of Leinster, by the way of
Cabin, That which Colonell Reynolds lead, was to
fall into it by the way of Carrick, and, that the Lord
President lead was to second both, and though an
unhappy Feaver seized on him, as he was ready to
March, yet to evidence he beleeves nothing so danrous
as to be out of action, he gets on horseback in
spite of his sicknesse, and thereby frightens it away to
some other, who would in such a conjuncture of
time more apprehend the want then he did the having
of it.
His Excellency as he marched, had the Castles of
Kilkenny and Chobeen surrendred him, in the last
of which the Governor of Rabel (a strong Castle
with an Ulster Garrison) was taken, who being given
to honest Colonel Abbot, he so well improved
the mercy, that the Governour took the Government;
and though some from thence conclude hin a Coward,
yet I do the contrary, for thereby he did that,
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