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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 283, 25th December 1648-1st January 1649 E.527[1]

Numb. 283
A Perfect Diurnall
And the daily proceedings of the Army under his Excellency
the Lord Fairfax.
From Munday the 25. of Dece. till Munday the 1. of Janu. 1648
Collected for the satisfaction of such as desire to be truly informed.
Printed by E.G. and F.L. for Francis Colts and Lourenes Blaiklocks: And are in
be sord at their Shops in the Old-baily, and at Temple-bor.
Beginning Munday, December. 25.
THe Commons voted that a Letter should be sent from
the House by way of encouragement to the County
of Somerset, to go on with setling their Association
with the well affected, and Forces of the Counties
adjacent. They ordered Major Withers 1000 li. in
part of a greater sum, to be charged on the Exeise
in course, with 8 li. per cent. per annum, from May 7.
1643. (most part of it being sent money since that
time.) Seven Members of the house declared their
dissents to the Vote of Decemb. 5. 1648.
The Committee named on Saturday last to consider
how to proceed in a way of justice against the King were enjoyned last to sit this afternoon.
The Ordinance concerning the Militia of the kingdom is to be reported tomorrow.
Most part of the day was spent in debate whether the secluded Members
should be readmitted or nor, but came to no result.
The Lords had a Conference with the Commons about moneys formerly granted
unto the L.Willougbby part of his Arrears,being 3000 li. which he had by Hand and
Seale past ever to such as he was indebted unto, who, accepted the security. The
Commons upon his joyning with the Prince, vote the money to pay the Lancashire
forces, the Lords conceive it a wrong to the men to whom it was assign'd, & recommend
it to the Commons. They being very few that sit in the Lords house, it was
ordered that all within 20 miles appeare by Thursday, and all more remote within
14 daies a'ter the receipt of the Order, it was moved that sine of 500 li. be set upon
those that did not appeare, but not agreed unto.
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