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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 283, 25th December 1648-1st January 1649 E.527[1]

A Petition was this day presented to the house of Commons in the names of the
Inhabitants of the County of Norfolk, and very gratefully accepted. The Petition
was as followeth:
To the Honourable the Commons of England assembled in Parliament, The humble Petition of
the well affected Gentry, and other Inhabitants of the County of Norfolke, and County
Humbly Sheweth,
of the City of Norwich.
THat after a vast expence of blond and treasure for many yeeres continuance, we
have expected a firm establishment of our Native Liberties; but by the just hand
of God upon us for our old and new provocations in our unchristian divisions, and
abominable self. Seeking that is amongst as, even of all conditions; and through the
restlesse malice of our secret and open adversaries, we are under the shadows of hope
cast back into as great sears and dangers as ever, having no greater security against
our first removed evils then at first, if so much. Now to the end we may not deliver
up our selves to ruine, by neglecting of our first principles sealed with Oaths, Vows
and Covenants, as well as the naturall ties of sense and reason, assuring Common
and publique if not Universall good hereby. We humbly offer these following offers
to the honourable House for redresse of present, and prevention of future evlls, viz.
That present enquiry be made who have been the chiefe instruments of the King
in the former or this latter war, and the late inviting and bringing in of the Scots;
and that he himselfe and all such as have been the most notorious Incendiaries and
Instruments in shedding blood may without further delay be brought to due and
impartiall Justice. The remisnesse in which upon serious inquisition we fear to be
one of the chiefest causes of Gods so great displeasure, in the severall judgements
now on this Nation.
2. That Courts of Justice both for law and equity, Judges Officers, and Fees certaine,
and Laws in the vulgar Tongue, and all other things concerning the administration
of Justice in this Kingdom may without respect of persons be so speedily
setled, as may agree most with the rule of Christian duty, just reason. and the true
birthright and priviledge of Englishmen; And that accordingly impartiall Commissioners
be forthwith authorized and imployed to try the several persons that had
any hand in the mutinies in Norwich, Kent, and other Counties.
3. That some speedy course be taken whereby the way of discharge of the debts,
especially the publique debts of the Kingdom may be ascertained, and to that end
that no more compositions be made with Deliequents till they be all discharged,
and the last penny du[nl]e as arreare or shall become due to the Army satisfied; and
such as shall be thought fit to be sold to be ascertained, and the same accordingly
performed, extending as well to the new as the old delinquents; and that all further
Taxes for the security of the Kingdom may thoroughout the whole Kingdom be
made as easie and laid as proportionably,and so to be levied as can by your wisdome
be contrived
4. That such as have been in action in the last war or formerly against the Commonwealth,
may be disabled from all offices and places of trust in Parliament or
elsewhere, that under the notion of a Peere we be not voted or contrived into ruine
by them that could not beat us into it, and to that end that a speciall Committee be
ordained to order and regulate affaires of State during the intervals of Parliament.
5. That the power of the Militia of the Kingdom may not be conferred by your
Authority on Malignants or Newters, but that the same may be put into such hands
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