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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 283, 25th December 1648-1st January 1649 E.527[1]

for this parliament, that you would still continue to represent to the house of
Commons the desires of us, and of all their reall friends in the Kingdome, and earnestly
to Mediate with them, to consider and regard the severall late Petitions from
London, Leicester-shire, the Northern Counties and other places sent them, lest it be
imputed to their perpetuall dishonour, that they have deserted their first principles,
or intend to hearken to the Counsells and perswasions of their enemics, rather then
of those who have hazarded their lives and fortunes in theirs and the Kingdomes
just quarrell. Not ceasing to lay before them the great distractions and dangers of
the Nation, and how needfull a present settlement is by vertue of that authority
they have hitherto claimed and exercised, with any more addresses to the King,
who is not like to surcease the execution of those mischiefes hee and his party by his
Instigations, have unalterable resolved : And to beseech them, that after a Generall
invocasion upon God, appointed throughout the Land for direction and successe,
they would set all other businesses of lesser consequence aside till this great
businesse of settlement be effected : And because there is little hope of Peace with
God or man, whiles the Authors of our former and late troubles, and of the bloudshed
in the three Kingdomes escaped unpunished; that your Excellency would be
pleased to endeavour, that justice may be done upon them in some exemplary
way suitable to their crimes without respect of persons, according to Gods own
way of proceedings; who is no respector of persons. That so such snakes may be
no langer nourished in our bosomes, who doe but watch their opportunities at
length to sting us to death : many grievances and burdens of free Quarter, unequall
taxes, irregular, corrupt, and extorsive proceedings in Courts of Justice; and
other grosse miscarriages in Government of the Common wealth) call for speedy
redresse: But might the mentionted particulars be once seriously intended : We
should not need to dispaire of some reformation in these. In reference to all which
we shall depend upon the ordinary remedy by Parliament, till God declare by evident
demonstrations of his will in the passages of his providence, that that extraordinary
is to be resorted unto which is never denyed, in case of extremity to any
people : And having this set before cut eyes from what God seemes to have discovered
by his miraculous past deliverances, and leading us in safety through all
the difficulties our enemies could devise to hinder our departure out of sperituall
and civill bondage, that there remaines for us yet a promised Canaan. We doe
therefore resolve, God Strengthening us, to follow your Excellency and the rest,
those conductors raised up and spiritted for so great a work, through a Sea of bloud
to attaine the frui[nl]tion thereof.
Signed by us the severall Officers of the severall Companies in the said Garrisons,
for our selves and the said Companyes, by their appointment and
From Windsor Decemb. 25. Sir, I am sorry there should be the least ground of
jealousie, or cause of any report, that honest Col.Ewers. Governour of Hurst Castle
should refuse to deliver us the King : If I had not been satisfied it was the report
of the Malignants, I should have been more troubled at it : When we came with
him to Winchester, the wise Major, and Aldermen of that Corporation, came to
meet him at the Townes endwith a learned Speech, and (according to former
custome) presented their Mace unto his Majesty ; The Commander in chiefe came
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