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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 286, 8th-15th January 1649 E.527[4]

A Perfect Diurnall
And the daily proceedings of the Army under his Excellency
the Lord Fairfax.
From Muxday the I. of Iann till Munday the 8. of Iann. 1648,
Celitered for the satisfaction of such as desire to be truly informed.
Printed by N. Gard F. L. for Frands Coles and Laurenn Blaiklocks: And are to
be sold at their Shops in the Out-bath, and at Temple bar.
Beginning Munday, Januaary 1.
THis day according to former Order, the Commons
had againe reported the Ordinance of Attaindee
against the King in the name of Charles Stewart, and
the names of such Commissioners as should try hint,
consisting of Lords, Commons, Officers of the Army,
Aldermen, and other Commanders of the City,
with some Gentlemen from the Counties, all
of them consisting of 150, and their names afterwards.
Any 20 of them are to be a Committee for
the tryall of him, and to give sentence against him.
By this Ordinance the Commissioners are limited
to a moneths time, to make a finall determination of the businesse. The place of
tryall is not named in the Ordinance, so that whether it will be at Windsor, or
Westminster, is no known. The Ordinance is to sent to morrow to the Lords
for their concurrence. And to confirm the present tryall, and foundation thereof
and prevention of the like for the future, the House declared, viz. Resolved, That
the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament doe declare, and adjudge, That by the
Fundamentall Laxes of this Realme, it is Treason in the King of England, for the time to
come, to Levy war against the Parliament and Kingdom of England.
The house ordered an Ordinance to be brought in for enabling the Commissioners
of Southwales, and Monmouth, to proceed upon the sequestr[nl]ing of Delinquents
in the said Counties, and to remove obstructions therein. A Letter this
day came from M. Elsynge, Clerk of th Parliament, desiring the house(by reason
of his present indisposition) to appoint a Clerk to attend them. The house
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