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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 286, 8th-15th January 1649 E.527[4]

Lanerick about the lawfulnesse of the present Committee and ensuing Parliament,
which he takes time to deliberate upon. Much sicknesse in Cumberland, some underhand
listing of Souldiers in Lancashire.
From Ponsract, Decemb. 30. Sir, our approaches go on very forwardly though
our want of pay be great; the Enemy seem much divided, and more discontented,
some coming out daily by escape; our Guns are come to us, and we shall begin to
make batteries within these few dates. Its great pitty the Militia of this county
should be disbanded, many of them being very honest; We heare of some overtures
made by the Army for engaging them, and all the Supernumeraries of this Kingdome
for the service of Ireland, the service will be gallant, and the designe superlative,
and if old Noll, or any other man of gallantry and sidelity do accept of that
Brigade, he cannot want men or money; besides it will be a great diversion of designes
both at home and abroad.
By a private hand from Somerion. December 24. Sir, Since the Parliament
hath impowred us to raise forces, and joyn ourselves in association with the Army,
and other well affected people in the adjacent Counties, we have not been
altogether as active in the said businesse, but hope to bring it into such a speedy
way, as may be safe for this County, especially all the well-affected therein, and
those that joyn with us. Times may come possibly to put all the honest party in
the Kingdom to their shifts, and I could heartily wish that all other Counties in
the Kingdom would begin betimes to provide for their own securities; when they
doe desire it. The opportunity being let slip, it may be too late, and surely if all
the well affected in each County would speedily strike into an association, it might
be a great diversion of all our enemies designes, and give us hope of quietnesse and
peace in this Nation. And seeing that the Presbyterian Ministers are to be sestrate
in their intentions, to enjoy plurarities, and the tenth part of every mars
Estate, the people being left to a free choyce of their Minister, and what Ministry,
no doubt but they will endeavour, and we finde it now their main designe in this
County to preach down the power of God in his Ministers indeed, and to Preach
for forms and government, and especially for their God (the continuance of rithes)
of purpose to incense the people against this Reformation indeed, both in Church
and State, the benefit where of our childrens children will have cause to blesse us
for. And in respect likewise that the grand Delinquent of the Kingdom (Charles
Stewart) is to be brought to speedy justice (for which we have much cause to blesse
God) we shall sinde his party as active as the other, and though the Presbyters
made but a seeming, though a reall and absolute conjuction with their Brother
Malignants for the carrying on of his Trayterous interests, yet we seare you will
finde him this next Summer declaratively joyn with them, for revenge of this
Army, and all that have adiered to them: And therefore it is high time for all
honest men in the severall Counties to associate beimes, before it be too late.
Tuesday, Janu.2.
THe house of Commers this day cetrated corcerning a Highsheriff for the county
of Durham. and at last resolved tha James Clavering Esqu. should be nominated
and appointed Highsheriffe for the said Bprick.
A Letter this day came from Col. Wbicpeot Governor of Windsor castle shewing
the great necessity of the Sculdiery in that Carison, and the many increse niene
that follow by not having an establishment setled for maintenance of his Majesties
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