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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 306, 4th-11th June 1649 E.530[35]

his coming into Ireland upon a Declaration of indemnity, which will be pupished:
Owen Roe is resolved to go with his forces to assist the King of Spain;
Some of the Souldiers of Dublin quarter out of the city, Col. Monk hath bin at Dublin,
and col. Jones intends shortly to take the field to march towards Ormond, some
additionall forces being got over to joyne with him. And for the North, Major
westmerlands two companies are shipt at Chester, the winds being crosse, he recruits
their provisions on ship-board, and captaine stemps Company is ready to be shipt.
By Letters the last, and that very lately from Holland is thus certified, Prince
Charles his Journey for France is put off for some dayes, he was to go with smal attendance; The Officers afterward upon the receipt of some monyes, were to follow
him; Tis thought that the Lords, the States, will furnish a good summe, upon
the security of the Prince of Orange.
The Ambassador of the King of Denmark had audience by the States Generall
He desires to borrow a great summe of money for the King of Scotland, and Offers
to give them the Sound for their security, and 'tis thought the States will accept of
it. My Lord Ualkenctirque who was wounded in his head at the time that Dr.
Dorislaus was killed, died since of his wound.
It is resolved at the Diet kept in Sweden, to assist the King of Scotland with money,
and ships, as soon as the convention or meeting at Newremberg shall be agreed, and
finished. A perpetuall peace is agreed yetween Sweden and Poland.
The Lord Cottington and Hide, Ambassadors of the King of Scotl. are arrived.
And desired audience of his Highnes Cleopoldus; and then they go for Spain. The
said King was expected there within few dayes.
The Switzers in Dunkirk are revolted, and obtained one of the Gates, with 4,
peace of Ordnance, which they turned against the City; those at Vuern have done
the like, and seek to joyn together: their pretence is payment of their arrears. The
Generall Lamboy, with the Horse was upon his march; tis beleeved the Switzers
will deliver the Town to him. The Duke of Lorrein is marching towards his own
The Peace between Spain and France is like to take effect.
The Prince hath given answer to the Scots Commissioners, you may believe it to
this purpose. That he will grant them the Presbyteriall Government, as his Father
did, and will maintain all their Lawes; give them an Act of Oblivion, except
those, whom he can justly prove to have had a hand in the death of his Royall
Tuesday June 5.
This Day Col. Popham one of the Generalls at Sea (being the night before
Come to Town) made report to the House of the good service of the Navy at
Sea, That Dublin is in a good condition, Col. Jones afforded Uictualling to two of
our ships, hath received monyes very seasonably of a Merchant which by Bills of Exchange,
he desires may be presently paied, that a part of our ships are with Sir
George Askue in Dublin Road to assist Col. Jones that 15 of Prince Ruperts ships
are blocked up by the Generall in Kingsale, so that they cannot stir: That another
squadron of ships are gone to Waxford to block up that River. Account was also
given of the Severall ships lately taken, formerly mentioned that the South East, and
Southwest Seas are now cleared, Scilly and jersey only excepted, it was desired that
the further supplies of the Navy might be speeded. And that supplyes for the winter
Guard for the Sea might be considered of in time
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