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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 306, 4th-11th June 1649 E.530[35]

From the Borders of Scotland further by letter to this purpose.
The Parliament of Scotland began to sit Friday last, but so thin an appearance
hath not been seen, the Lords that sit are only Marquis Argele, Chancellour
Lexden, Lethian, and Balmerins, very few Barons of Burghers: Old Earl Levin
hath been on the other side the water, for some dayes, and as yet hath not sat;
Its beleived there will be a more full House suddenly, because their term approaches
which for these four or five years past, hath been little and in regard, the
Commissioners from Holland, are come to the Frith, the 28 at night.
They tell the people that their new King agree to this effect.
1. That the Presbyterian Government shall be confirmed in Scott as it was
setled in his fathers Reign, 2 That Popery and Episcopacy be utterly abolished,
3. That those who have joyned for him or his Father against the Parliament of
Scotland; to be all of them restored so their Estates. 4. That there shall be an
act of Generall oblivion passed for matters done or agitated in relation to the
late wars. 5. That all persons who have agitated for him or his father against
the Parliament, shall be uncapable of sitting in Parliament, or bearing any publique
office (for some years.) 6. That the King shall act nothing (for the future)
but by consent of Parliament. But the Covenant not to be forced.
The Lord Rae, and twenty other prisoners taken with him, are come into Edenburgh
and put into the Tolebooth: some apprehend the lord Rae and Donal
Macchaie, will be accused for former actions, and lose their heads: it will much
displease those who took them prisoners, if Articles of War be not kept. The
businesse in the North is over, except some of the Mackanzyes in Red Castle, who
offer'd, to yeild upon quarter which denied, they have been desperate, and Killed
a Leiut. of colonell Kers: Middleton is said, to have agreed with David
Lesley, and being pardoned, is come unto him. Four Troops remain in the
North, all the rest being twenty five Troops and 500 Horse are come back and
quarter about Edenburgh, where first raised to the great discontent of the People,
victualls being scarce and dear even to the fear of a famine.
A Doctor of Paisick in the City hath delivered in a paper of above 3 sheets,
wherein he presses for Justice to be don against those, who did ill offices in the
Isle of Wight, and had hand in the death of the late King, his name is Sibbald
saying he believed there were some in Church and State that could not quit
themselves of guilt: he is put in prison, and is like to suffer.
The Thanksgiving day was solemnly kept: It is confidently reported that sir
Robert Stuer: had a Commission from the declared King with which he went
to Ireland here is one col, Molsworth, and another English Coll. Who came with
Sir Robert from Holand: these go to Ormond a good way and safe, where they
expect the King, before whose coming, Ormond will not act, say they; they
brag of many thousands suddenly to come into Scotland and Ireland, from foreign
Leith and divers other places are fortifying: believe no more from all that
hath been mentioned, five that Scotland wi put themselves in a posture of
Wednesday June 6.
This Day a new Mace was brought into the House according to the Modell
formerly mentioned, with Flowers instead of the Crosse and ball on the
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