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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 306, 4th-11th June 1649 E.530[35]

Ware will be restored to lands, but not to any trust, as to their sitting in Parliament
that seems not yet to be determined, but in that their declared King must
deny himselfe: the King of Denmarks Embassadour ingaging the sound for
money, those reasons are given against it, First its not in his power, nor can
he make other Proposition in favour of the declared King of Scotland, his
condition being such, that he can do nothing but by the consent of such a
number of his Lords as was agreed at his Coronation, nature and blond ( no
doubt) bids him with well to the businesse, but nothing as yet appears from
him that amounts to much, the Queen of Sweden hath furnished 6000 Musquets,
5000 Pikes, 8000. Bandeleers. 4000 Swords for foot, 150 Partizans, 50.
Drums, 1800 Paire of Pistolls, 600 horsmens Swords, 2000 Curriassiers armes,
12 field peeces, with all things there to belonging, 5 lasts of ponder, 8 of March
1200 Cannon Bullets.
Paris June 12, The Prince of Wales is expected here the Lord Jermin is gon
to Bruxels to meet him: a present is preparing for him, which wil be what many
friends will give, it's thought some great Ones will contribute largely: the
great complyance between the King and this Parliament is a trouble to the people,
yet they are afraid to shew any dislike, left mhen the Summer busines is over,
the Royall Army return to block them up, which they fear: here is come an
eminent Bishop, who hath been in Ireland, in the Name of his Holinesse, to
court the Catholicks of Irel. into an obedience as of old. Nuremberg May last
The Emperours Embassadours have answered the Swedish Propositions, and
the Swedish made answer to theirs:out of both may be observed, that this present
Convent will last a good while, before a finall result be obtained: the Emperour
presseth, the Swedish disbanding, the Swedish urge a restitution agreed on redressing
of greivances in Politicall and Ecclesiasticall Estates; the which being
performed, and their Soldiers paid they will disband. The confluxe of great
ones hither, is great: yesterday arrived Marquesse Albercht of Anspach: Some
Embassadours have sent away their needlesse Traine. From Ottingon is certified,
that the Commissioners which were at Dunckelspies, as, Lord Welser from
the Bishop of Constantia, or Costinitz, Lord Lerckenfeld, and Doctor Hatting,
from the Duke of Witienberg, after they had dispatcht things concerning the
execution: the Doctor having setled the Minister in Metting, in his returne
having an ill guid, was drowred in the River Egger,swelld by continuall rain,
his Secretary, two servants and two horse perished in the water also.
The Swedish Generalissimo, hath invited his Cozen the Prince Elector Palatine,
to come hither; that his Highnesses personall presence may importune his
restoration, Which will be seconded by the Swedish and others to the life, The
Prince Elector Palatine hath sent his resignation to the Emperour, by his
Trumpetter, who as soon as the trumpetter recurneth his Highnesse goeth to
Palatinate: he hath sent severall copies of his submission to the Dyet here: The
Swedish have faithfully promised unto him, that they wil not quit any garrison
unlesse the Spanish restore Frankendale and in cafe the Spaniard stick, because
they and the French and are not agreed, the Prince coming up into his Country
try they will give him severall Townes which they hole, which he shall not
restore untill he have his.
Ans[unr]werp the same date. The Archduke Leopoldstaies still at Bruxells, and
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