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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 306, 4th-11th June 1649 E.530[35]

A provisoe and exception was likewise as to the 360 l. per annum formerly granted
for the Ministers of the city of Sarum, which being put to the question was
resolved in the negative and rejected.
A provisoe and exception that the said Act should not extend the taking away of the 300 l. per
annum setled upon the Ministers and Winchester which being put to the Question was resolved in
the Negative and rejected.
Another Provision and exception that this act should not extend to the taking away of the 100 l.
per annum setled upon Monisicur du [unr] by act of Parliament and likewise 100 l. per annum on
Mr Hurslbi which being likewise put to the question was resolved in the negative and rejected.
A Provisoe and exception was offered on behalf of the ministers of Marlborough, another concerning
William Stephens Esq; another concerning 200 l per annum for new Wendsor Ministers,
which being put to the question were also rejected.
The house then ordered that the Act his amended should be assented unto and forthwith printed
and published.
An Act ready prepared for setling the sums of 100 l. per price upon Mons. du Molin, Master
Hartlip, Mr. Sterry and Mr. The. Foxley (who have been faithfully, and taken much pains in
maintenance of the justice of the proceedings of Parl, was read the first and second time, and ordered
to be recommitted.
Mr. Garlands reports from the Committee of Hospitalls, the Resolutions of that
Committee touching maimed Souldiers, Widdows and Orphans and Souldiers slaine
in the Warres.
Resolved, &c. That 260 l: per week be added to make up the former allowance of
three hundred pound per week the sum of five hundred sixty pound per week to pay
all occasions.
Resolved, &c. That one hundred thirty pounds per week be paid out of the excise
towards the said five hundred sixty pounds per week for the poore maimed souldiers
and the W ddows and Orphans.
Resolved &C. That one hundred thirty pounds per week be paid out of the receipts
of Goldsmiths Hall towards the said five hundred sixty pounds per weeks for
the poore maymed souldiers and the Widdows and Orphans.
Ordered that the Arrears if the one hundred pounds per week to maimed souldiers
formerly charged upon the sequestrations as Guild Hall shall be paid out of that
treasury, and the Committee for Hospitalls be authorised for the Treasurers of that
receipt, and see the same don accordingly.
N Ordered that it be r ferred to the same Committee to send for the Treasurers for
Sequestrations at Goldsmiths Hall, and to examine the state of their receipts and
accomp[unr]s, and consider whether any part of the five hundred and sixty pounds per
week may be hereafter charged upon that receipt and report it.
Ordered that it be referred to the same Committee to consider whether the Six
hundred pound laid out by the Treasurers for maimed souldiers, &C. and 500 l. to
provide linnen, Coles, bedding, and for reparations of Ely house may be charged upon
that receipt and report it to the house.
The house then took into Consideration the great pains taken by Mr Owen in preaching yesterday
before them, and the Representative of the City at Christ Church London, and ordered that
the hearty thanks of the house should be given unto him for the same, and that he should have the
liberty to print his Sermon as other in the like Cases have had formerly.
And Mr. Allen was ordered to give him the hearty thanks of the house accordingly.
They likewise considered of the great paines taken by Mr. Thomas Goodwin
at the same time and upon the same occasion, and ordered him likewise the
hearty thanks of the house and liberty to print his S r non as to the former.
The house then considered of the extraordinary paines taken by Mr, Thomas
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