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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 311, 9th-16th July 1649 E.531[21]

That their states are justly forfeited to the State for Delinquency, and for this
the said estate are of considerable value, and that they may not be made away
without advantage to the State, that therefore the Parliament hath passed this Act
for sale there of. That all the said Goods and Estates be inventoryed, apprized, and
sold, except such part thereof as shall be kept for the use of the State That Humpheries,
and George Withers of Westminster Esquires, Anthony Mil may, Ralph
Grafton of Cornhill, Mich Lampir, John Belchamps, Philip Caytright of the Isle
of Jersey. Gentlemen Hen. Chreech, John Foach, David Powel, and Edw: Winslaw;
Gentlemen and, Ciriziens of London, be Trustees for the enquiry, inventorying,
apprising and securing of the said Goods and personall Estate, in whose hands
they shall find them to be, keeping the original inventories, &c. in the Clerk
hands, duplicates thereof, by him to be returned of them to the commissioners
and Contractors appointed for the sale of them, and the third duplicate to
the Treasurers thereafter named. That the Treasurers have power to commit to
Prison, and to grant Warrants, &c. Trustees to appoint the Clerk Register 7 d per
pound for all their paines allowed, commissioners, Agents, and Clerk Register to
be paid by the Treasurers. Dan. Normond of the Isle of Jersey Merchant, to Hales
of London Merchant, Clement Kinersley, John Prince Hen. Par, and will. Allen,
Gentlemen, and citizens of London, appointed Commissioners and contractors
for the sale of the Goods, &c. They to treat with Merchant, Adevnturers, Domestick
and Forraine, for sale of them, or otherwise, they, and their Agents, &c. to
have 5 d per pound ; and Hump: loxes, and John Hunt, Treasurers for receiving
the moneys upon sale of the said Goods, and to be allowed 2 d per Pound. That
30000 li. be lent to the Navy, out of the moneys raised by the sale of the said
goods, &c. and to be repayed againe by them; with the rest of the moneys, the
Parliament will determin and take order for the payment of such debts as shall
appeare most just and equall, as far as the proceed of the said Goods will extend.
The businesse for nulling the Acts against Sectaries that come not to Divine
Service, was taken into further consideration by the House, and largely debated,
but not resolved. The House likewise ordered that the commissioners for Articles
should set every after-noone.
The Lord Gen. Fairfax recommending the desires of the Grand-Jury of York-shire
(about setliug Courts of Justice in that county) to be House, their Petition
being read, it was ordered that the business should be referred to a Committee
chosen for that purpose.
It was also ordered, that the Receivers place for York-shire, should be conferred
on Col. Allared, it being reported that the old Receiver was 6000 li. In arrears
not accounted for; and it was further ordered, that he should account suddenly
and fully.
The House also assented unto the Act for the Master of the Mint ; there were
some Propositions made from the City for loane of Money, reported, and M.
Knight the Lord Gen. Chaplaine, ordered to have the benefit of doubling 1000 l.
upon Deans and Chapters Lands.
We heare further from Ireland, that the City of Dublin is in very great distresse,
and that both Officers and common Souldiers doe daily dissert them, there
being gone to Ormand three Troops of Horse, and divers foot; the enemy hath
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