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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 311, 9th-16th July 1649 E.531[21]

much worse with them: seven Sallies, foure men of War, and some vassels with prevision taken-
Hague, July, 8. 1649.
M. Richard Tomlins hath lately printed and published an excellent Booke, intituled
Faith and Experience, written by M. John Collins, Minister in Norwich &
they are to be sold at the signe of the Sun and Bible,neere Pye-corner.
Concerning the present estate and condition of the Citie of Dublin (of which
I know thou art covetous to heare the truth) I leave thee to be resolved by this
ensuing Letter.
SIR, The Marq. Of Ormond, and the L. Inchequin with 14000 horse and foot,
have intrenched themselves (in many places) within Musquet shot of the walls,and by
their strong alarums keeps us in continuall action: the last night their Pioners wrought
exceeding hard,and raysed an halfe Moone within Musquet shot of the North Port,
where was placed about 200 Musquetiers,and foure Pieces of Ordnance; it was contrived
very artificially & strong,with a running Trench from their frontier incampings;
this morning we sallyed out upon them,with a resolution to beat them off from the said
Fort; but finding too much of position, recreated to our Redout, which was within
Pistol shot thereof: about 4 of the clock severall parties of horse and foot were drawne
forth on both sides, who engaged each other, and after a sharpe constict disputed with
great gallantry, the enemie retreated,and having a Reserve ready at hand, our men
durst not embrace the pursuit but returned Victors,with 7 prisoners,9 horses,and lest
deal and wounded upon the place about 15,with the losse of 9 men, which the enemie
in the night time set off and buried. In one of our former Sallyes, Capt. Glyn with a
party of 30 horse fell upon a desperate party of the Besiegers,and after a sharp dispute
tooke prisoners Lieut. Col. Dungan, Major Williams, Cap. O Brian,Cap. Talbot,Lien.
Ogleby, Cornet Bembrick, and about 12 Troopert; and killed Major Dungan, Capt.
Wilkinson,Quarter-master Mackart, Corperall Pemerton,and about 7 men We have
lately received some supplyes of provisions one of England,which hath infinitely encouraged
the Souldierie; and our Governour hath strongly fortified the Mouth of the
River,that the enemie can doe us little or no mischiefe; Dublin,Jul.10.
Fryday, July 13.
We heare from Chester,that Col. Hunkes, Col. Moores, Col. Reynolds, and
Col. Venables Regiments are all drawne towards the water side, and are
readie to be shipt for Ireland. There are three Barkes laden with Corne set sayle
from Liverpoole to Dublin, and a great quantitie is to be sent from this Citie out
of the stores,when the Fleet goes. We likewise heare,that Ormond sent a Letter
to Pr. Charles,the effect where of, is to advise him not to come over into Ireland
(because there can be no securitie for him) till he hath taken Dublin. George M[unr]
we heare hath blockt up Knockfergus, and for his (trecherie) good-service is
Knighted by Ormond.
From Sea is certified, That the Minion went from Gravesend with divers Colliers
the 3 of this moneth, and that instructions are gone to Capt. Peacock,to take
Speciall care for securing the North Seas, and that the Heart and the Adventure
should joyne with him. There are divers Men of Warre about Bredhamson Road
which doe much mischiefe,and have taken two or three small Vessels;but the Dolphin
lately had them in chase, and exchanged some shot with them, but being
over-powred, she left them. The Increase Frigot hath brought 40 sayle of Colliers,
Fishermen, and Norway-man, into Yarmouth Road.
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