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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 312, 16th-23rd July 1649 E.531[27]

and they make their brags, that they will not onely take Tredagh, but Dublin, and
all the rest of the Parl. Garisons, before the L. Lieut. Shall transport his forces over.
There hath divers Letters passed between Inchequi[unr] and Col. Jones, which being
already printed, and having been the subject of other Pens, I shall here omit.
Those Ships which lie before Kingsale, have lately taken a Frigot with ten Guns
wherein was Col. Windham and Col. Leg, the latter of them having divers Letters
of great consequence taken about him, amongst the rest one was from the Marq.
of Ormond, the effect whereof was, That Inchequin had received some losse before
Tredagh, and writes that he lost about 150 men, and that his foot were forced to
retreat, his horse not being able to enter, by reason the enemy had fired the gates,
Also, other of the Parl. ships have taken upon this coast, a Dutch-man of Warre,
with 30 guns, who pretended he was going from the States to Pr. Rupert, about
some ships that were taken or staid, belonging to them; but for all his fair pretence
there were divers English Gentlemen found aboard him; amongst the rest, there
was one taken that was sent over as an Agent from the declared King of
Scots, to transact Affaires in Ireland, who with 200 li. in money, which was likewise
found in the said ship, was made prize of.
The Commons spent much time this day in debate of the Act before mentioned
concerning Prisoners and Creditors; the thing hath a specious shew of good, and
carries a likelyhood it will be a means to increase Credit, Trade, and commerce that
the many thousands which is yearly expended in fees by poor Soules who want
bread either for themselves or families, might go towards the satisfying of their
just Debts, and that such as have any estates whereby to satisfie with a great overplus
may not unprofitably mis-spend their time in durance, on purpose to defraud
their creditors; for by the common law, let any mans estate be never so great,
yet the person dying in custody, the Law is satisfied.
There was some further Intelligence this day from Ireland, briefly thus: Col.
Jones drew forth a party of horse and foot the 7 instant, and in the night fell upon
Ormonds horse quarters at Fines a mile from the City, tooke and wounded aboue
60 and made an honourable retreat with his prisoners (among whom were divers
Officers) into Dublin.
Wednesday, July 18
This day the Parliament tooke into consideration the Act for Probate of Wills,
which after some debate, was referred to a Committee to draw up.
They also considered of the report about the late K. servants, and having wip'd
all but those, who stayed here, there was debated. That whereas the Committee
propounded, they should have (during life) two third parts of standing wages annually
(which is 19000 li. Per annum) they had also (before them) the annuities
granted by the K. some in favour, others in consideration of good debts, of good
works (these amount to 8000 li. a yeare;) neither of these were concluded of.
From Scotland we heare, that the Generall Assembly is met, and M. Rob. Douglas
is appointed Moderator, who preacht before them the first day. M. Paul Hobson
is returned to Newcastle, and in good time, for the Presbyterians were so incensed
against him, that had he tarryed, in all prohabilitie he might have proved the first Independent Martyr. The Assembly have made choise of five Committees; the first,
to consider of Dangers; the second, of Overtures; the third, of Repeales, and the
fourth and fifth for Sectaries, &c. The Lords Muldale and Belcares made their repentance,
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