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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 312, 16th-23rd July 1649 E.531[27]

and are admitted Members of the Kirk, declared good Covenanters, and
now sit in Parliament. The businesse of raysing an Armie, takes up more time then
was expected, which hinders the Parliaments adjourning. The L. Ogleby & Middleton
being summoned to come in, have excused it by Letter. The Parliaments Letter sent
to Edenborough by Cap. Row with their answer returned by him, are dispersed and
printed, to prepare the people. The Meal design'd and shipt for Carickfergus, is now
recall'd. There was lately in Edenborough a great Convention of Officers, where
was the Generall, &c. but their result is kept very secret. There is no newes here
from Prince Charles, which much troubles the Parliament: and its reported, that
the North of Ireland, except Derry, is all in the enemies hands; which will prove of
sad consequence to both Nations, if some speedie course be not taken.
By Letters from Bristol we are certified, that the L. Lieutenant came thither on
Saturday night last, where he was royalty entertained by the souldiers and officers in armes, and others who held offices by order of Parliament. The Citizens likewise
expressed much joy at his comming, and entertained him with great respect.
Prince Charles went from Campaign, accompanied with the Duke of Anville, to
Chantilli, where he was entertained with all the honors besitting his Person, according
to an expresse Order sent by the Princesse of Condi for that purpose. The next
day he went to S. Germans, where the Q. his Mother went three miles to meet him,
and having met, many teares were shed on both sides, in testimonie of the rescent
they have of their common affliction. There he called his Councell; what their Result
was, is not yet knowne, but divers about him seeme to be much discontented.
From thence he went to Paris, where he had great welcome, and is like to have more.
Whether he intends for Ireland, or the North, is not yet manifest; the wisest thinke
him Northerly.
Thursday, July 19.
This day the House took into consideration the great want & necessitie of the
late Kings servants, through the losse of their places, and have referred it to a
Committee to consider thereof, and of such as have stayed with & bin faithfull to the
Parliament, and how reliefe may be had for them, & to report their opinions to the
Heads of the Scots Papers to the Parliament of England.
That we finde, to our great griefe, wonder, and astonishment; That contrarie
to the Dissent and Protestation of the Kingdome of Scotland, his Majestie
is removed out of this life, by a violent death; That Orders are published in
Print, entituled, Acts of Parilament, prohibiting the Proclaiming of the Prince of
Wales King of these Kingdomes; That the Commons, which now fit at westminster
(after many Members of that House have beene imprisoned, secluded by
force, or necessitated to withdraw, because they cannot act as in a free Parliament)
have Voted away the Kingly Office, and the House of Lords, and claime
the Authoritie of a (a) Parliament, and under colour thereof, the power of repealing
all Oathes of Allegiance or obedience whatsoever, even without exception
of the Solemne League and Covenant; from which the Conscience cannot
be absolved, by all the (b) Powers on earth.
(a) At all these things there needed not this wonder and astonishment, in them
especially, who not many dayes before had received a Declaration from the Parliament
of England, acquainting them with the reason and the Justice of all these their proceedings
(b) Yes, yes, the Power of twentie thousand Scots last yeare though for
short of all the Powers on earth, hath absolv'd us.
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