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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 312, 23rd-30th July 1649 E.532[2]

Some accompt was given formerly upon debate of the Act for sale of the Crown
Lands, belonging to the late King, Queen, and Prince &c. but that being in percells,
and the Act now fully past and published, take this in briefe of the whole that
it is enacted, That all the Honors, Manors, Castles, Houses, Messuages, Parks and
Lands (except as hereafter is excepted) and all Tenements and Hereditaments, Royalties,
Priviledges Franchises, Immunities and Appartenarces to the said honors,
Manors, Castles, Parks, Messuages and Lands, or any of them, her[unr]fore belonging
unto the late King Charles deceased, either in the Right of the Crown, the Dutchy
of of Lancaster, or unto Henristta Maria; the Relief, and late Queen of the said late
King, or unto Charles Stuart their eldest Son, either as Prince of Wales, Duke of
Cornwal, or Earl of Cbester, or otherwise be longing to them or any of them; and
which were in the actual seisin or possission of them or any of them, or of their or
any of their Tenants, Agents, Servants, Trustees, Officers or Ministers, in their
Right, or for their use, [unr] in trust for them or any of them, on the first day of April,
1635. or at any time since shall be sold for the use of Commonwealth and Trustees
for that purpose named in the sale whereof these rules still to be observed. 1 that satisfaction
be allowed these who have Title or Interest in any Chase of Park, 2. This Act [unr]
to extend to Rents due to the Common wealth if not reserved in the Crown. 3. The Trustees
enabled to keep Con[unr]ts of Survey. 4. sheriffs, Majors, Bayliffs, Justices of the Pease, [unr]
assist Surveyors in the executing of this Act. 5. Trustees authorized to administer
an Oath
to the Surveyors. 6. Trustees to call to account Surveyors. 7. Trustees authorized
to [unr]
such Councel-learned, and appoint such Stewards as they shall think fit. 8. Stewards made by
Ordinance of Parliament formerly not to be [unr] 9. Col. Wrl. Web Su[unr]
10. Henry Colbron Register. 11. Tenants to subscribe to their Contract within thirty
dayes. 12. Lands not to be sold under 13. years purchase. 13. A Lease for [unr] Life [unr]
under six years and an halses purchase. 14. Contractors not to purchase. 15. All body or
bodies Politique or Corporate inabled to purchase. 16. Purchasers evicted to have allowence,
for their moneys. 17. Purchasers may have Acts of Parliament or Letters Patents for
the Premises. 18. Purchasers to have the like benefit and priviledges as the King, [unr], or
Prince had. 19. One moyety of the purchase money to be paid within eight weeks after Contract.
20. Exceptions of several Honors Manors, Houses, Castles, Parks, and Places to be
reserved for the use of the State, as followeth.
That this Act [unr] not extend to the sale of Whitehall the Me[unr] Cockes [unr] he
Termis Courts, Scotland. Yard, and the buildings thereupon the Tilt-yard, Spring-garden,
the Pell[unr] Westminster, S. James house and Parke Somerset of Denmark house
in the Strand, Hampton-court and the two Parks called the middle Parks and Busby
Parke a Hampton-court, [unr] Minor of East-Greenwich and Greenwich [unr]cuse and the
Queens new buildings there, Greenwich Parke Greenwich Castle the Tower of London
with the Apurtenancey Windsor castle and the little Parke, the new Parke neere
Hide Parke, Cornbury Park is the County o Oxford, [unr] to any the Castles now
garrisoned by the Parliaments forces in England and Wales, not to any Hospitals or
Free Schooles, nor to any Houses, Store. house, Buildings, Yards, Docks, Bargehouses, &c.
Provided also, that this Act do not extend to any Timber Trees fit for the use
and service of the publique Navy of this Common wealth.
Vanz hall to be sold, Scite of Pomsret-castle to th value of 300 li per annum.
to be conveyed unto Major Gen. Lambert his Heirs an Assigns. The [unr] house
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