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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 312, 23rd-30th July 1649 E.532[2]

of Yorke to be prese ved. The Wardrobe with all its appurtenantes in the Parish of
And etc Wardrob, London; the house [unr] Sir John Heydon formerly dwelt, seiruare
in the Parish of Trinity Ministies; and the old A[unr]lery ground.
From Baewick fly the Letters there is little Alteration of [unr] from Scotland
since the last. They talk hard of [unr]ing an Army of 15 or 20000 men, but as yet no
great haste made, nor will be until Haivest be in. The Scottish news is, that London
Derry will be suddenly put upon a Treaty. The Irish Frigots do much harm upon
these consty, they took Tuesday last a ship between Barwick and Leich in the Fri[unr]:
some, daits before a Parliament [unr] with 50 Guns; took a rich Barque going from
Port Patrick to Ireland, Ogleby and Middleton daily expected, Wil. Murrey is come, all
is Kept private; he faith sir William Flemming briogs the finall answer, satisfaction
will be given if a great condescention will satisfie, the Lord Nersburg & divers other
Lords come hither, who say their King intends not to stay long at St. Germans with
his mother. There came unto us this week to Barwick a very considerable Proportion
of Arms and Ammunition Viz. 100 Barrels of Powder, as many of shot,
five the of Match, 250 Musquets, 120 Firelocke, 250 Pikes. Our reparations go an
reasonable well. We save 100 men a day clensing our Frenches, we have about 16
or 17 free stone Masons if we had four times as many we should have imployment
for them. Our Gover[unr] is now come to us we hope to continue with us.
Tuesday July 24.
THe house this day had the Report concerning Officers to beadded to the Ports
of L[unr], and other our Ports concerning customs, and the affairs of that nature
and approved the additionall List of such as were reported by Mr. Corbet to be
of the new model for the Port of London. The list for other out Ports and Sallaries
also read. The Committee of the Navy ordered to increase the Sallaries of
of the Cheque in the principall Ports not to exceed twenty pounds, and O the i[unr]rior
Ports not to exceed ten pounds; Severall of the persons named in the List for
the one Ports recommitted o the Committee of the Navy to be further considered
of. Upon the reading of Thomas Shadwels Petition, is was ordered to be referred
for examination of the state of the whole businesse, and report it back on Thursday
next, and the place of Cheque of the Port of Lyn is to stand with a blanck in the
List now reported in the mean time.
An Act was brought in and committed for setling the 1000 l. per annum formerly
allowed col. Martin in part of his arrears out of the Duke of Buckinghams
An Act for the Lord Presidents 2000 l. per annum was reported and recommitted.
Instructions passed for an exact survey to be made of the Earl of Saint Albons
Lands, and Lord cottingtons set out to him. The Major of Oxford and Severall Aldermen,
and others were added to committee for the 93000 l. per mensem others
added for Lincoloshire some added for Wilts, and Hampshire.
This day seven East India ships rithly laden, valued at the least 7000000 l. safely
arrived at London.
From Bristoll July 22. The Irish Affaires so sad, as we daily hare they grow, make
them, honest here in any authority, to act with all diligence for hasting relief. Orders
are sent out to hasten all to their severall Randazvonz, as Milford, Bewmorris
&c. We would be glad to hear of some Region [unr] Shipt, and there, least some
prove unruly, here is great eare on every part to keep all well, and to please the
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