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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 312, 23rd-30th July 1649 E.532[2]

shall otherwise order. And that it be referred to the Committee of Goldsmiths
hall to consider how and by what means the Rent so Stayed in the hands of
the said Tenants may be gotten in, for the best advantage of the State, and Report
it to the house.
At the Committee of Dean and Chapters Lands Sitting at Alderman Gurneys house Old
Jury London, Returns since the last Certificate, as followeth:
Pauli Decan London Surveys of Severall Messuages and Tenements in Warwick-lane London.
Eli[unr] Decan. Com. Cantab. Surveys of the manor of Brahem, of the manor of Turbatsey, of the manor
of Kettons, of Northeney Forme in Hamblets of Stortney, delivered all July 19. 1649:
Captuar. Decan. com. Kent. Surveys of the manor of Elverton, of the manor of Leisdowne, of the manor
of Batklore, of the manor of Copton, and the moyetie of the manor of Selgrave, of severall messuages
in Cant[unr]bury, delivered July 19.
Lincoln Decan.Com. Lincoln. Surveys of the manor of Normanbie, delivered July 10.
Lichfield Lichfield, Surveys of certain Messuages, Tenements, Cottages, and Farm in the
City of Litchfi ld, delivered July 20.
Decan Burgi S. Petra Com.Hunt. Surveys of a Farme Called Nanticks Farme in Overton Longcvile
and Bortlebridge, of M. Smiths Farme in Overton, delivered July 20.
Pauls Middlesex. Surveys of the manor of Saltons Court, of the Chancellors house in
Fulham, delivered July 20.
Chicheft. Decan Com.Suffex. Surveys of Severall houses in the Close of Chichester, of Severall houses
in the Little Cloysters in Chichester, delivered July 21.
Pauls Decan.Com.Middlesex. a Survey of the manor of chiswick, delivered July 21.
Norwich Decan.Com. Norss. a survey of the manor of Amners in and neer Norwich, delivered July 25.
Pauli Decan.London. a survey of certain Tenements in Ludgate street London, delivered July 23.
Chester Decan.crvit. Chester. a survey of certain messuages and lands in the City, Suburbs, and county
of Chester, delivered July 23. 1649.
Thursday, July 16.
THe house this day spent much time in debate of Bill reported to them from the Committee to
when the Articles of Religion were formerly referred. The house at last ordered that the said Bill
should be committed to the same Committee that brought in the same, with an addition of severall
members thereof, and the care thereof was referred in a speciall manner to two of the said committee.
An estimate was this day reported to the house of all the forces of England and Ireland, in Field and
Garrison, and what established pay the of would amount unto per annum, which took up much time
in debate & reading being very long. The house hereupon ordered the assessment of 90000 li. per mensem
for payment of the army should be continued for three money he longer, after the former time for continuance
thereof is expired; and because no time may be lost in debate of the equality or inequality of
he severall rates set upon the Counties for this assessment, the house hereupon ordered that the former
proportions set upon the severall Counties for this ass ssment should be continued upon them for the
three moneths next comming without any alceration.
The house then ordered that it should be referred to the Committee of the army to confer with the
L. Generall concerning Free Quarter, and how the same may be taken off for the future, and the Ordinance
for that purpose put strictly in executions, & Report their proceedings hereupon to the house.
The Lord Generals orders hereupon you have afterwards.
Friday, July 27.
THe house was this day informed of a Letter which came from M. william H[unr]s, M. Tho. Colchester,
and other prisoners in the Fleet, directed to the Speaker of the house, which re[unr] much upon
certain Members of the House (which are shall forbear to mention) and other Lawyers of the house, as
to some lare endeavours to suppresse and stop the possing of the act in the house for relating of poore
prisoners of debt. The house after some debate ordered that it should be referred to the Committee of
indempnity to examine the businesse, and to know of the said M. Hawes, M. colchester and the rest, whether
they will own and avow the contents of the said Letter, and to report their proceeding herein to
the house.
The house then took into consideration, and heard the report of the Committee concerning their
amendments to the act for relieving poor prisoners of debt, according to the sence of the house when
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