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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 312, 23rd-30th July 1649 E.532[2]

The house being desirous to continue in amity and friendship with all Forraigne Nations and States
ordered, that it should be referred to the Councell of State, to imploy such
persons as they shall this[unr]
to be Agents for this Free State to be sent into Forraign Parts.
The amendments to the Act, for authorizing and requiring the Trustees and other Officers, for sale
of Deane and Chapters Lands, is purall former Ordinances for that purpose into speedy and [unr]
all execution were this day reported, and ordered to be again committed.
Orders and Rules by his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, for the taking off of all Freequarter and Billes in this
Whereas the Parliament hath made provision for the constant pay of the Army, and taking of all
Freequarter and Billet, and to that end, have passed and Act with certain Rules and Instructions, intending
the necessary provision for the Souldiers most indifferently both to the Country and them. These
are therefore in prosecution of [unr] said Act, to acquire all Colourls, Majors, Officers and Souldiers
whatsoever to observe and put in execution such Rules and Instructions, in their respective commands
and places as [unr]after followeth.
1 That no party under the number of twenty, though upon a march, quarter in private houses, without
the owners consent.
2 That whereas the Act allowes the souldier upon march to quarter in private houses two nights, to
the intent they may within that time provide for themselves, and divets souldiers doe take advantages
thereby (contrary to the intent thereof) to remove Quarters oftner then is necessary, and upon their remove,
march not above two or three miles a day or there obouts. It is therefore ordered, that no Troop
march lesse then Ten miles a day, nor Company of foot lesse then seven, except upon service of extraordinary
3 That upon settlement of quarters, the officer in chiefe of every Troope, Company or commanded
party, make knowne to the respective landlords within his respective quarters, hat they are to discharge
their billet, and in case any landlord shall complaine to the Captaine or commander in chiefe upon the,
Place, that any of his souldiers have not paid their quarters: the said Captaine or commander in chiefe
of the said Troope, company or party, to give satisfaction o every person out of the offender is pay, within
ten daies after just complaint made, upon pane of casheiring. And if in case the Captains or Officer in
chiefe shall refuse or neglect to give satisfaction as aloresaid: The Col. or Major of the said Regiment
to give satisfaction himselfe to the Land-Lord, out of the said Officer or Oftenders pay next growing
due; and to transmit the charge against the officer so offending, with the examination to the judge
Advocate at the head quarters, within ten dayes after he hath had full information thereof.
4. That in regard the same care cannot be taken upon 3 March. It is ordered, That the Quartermaster,
or any imployed to take up quarters, do in their Tickets for quarter expresse the names of the
Souldier or Souldiers to quarter there, and make known that they are to pay their quarters. And
that in case of neglect upon complaint the next morning to the Commander in chiefe of the Party,
Troop or Company they shall receive satisfaction, That if either the quarter-master, or any imployed
upon that Service, or the Commander in chiefe faile in the due observance thereof, that they incarre
the penalty of cathieting, giving satisfaction, to the complayners as before.
5. That this may be the better put in execution. It is ordered, That all Colonells and other Officers
(but such as shall be appointed to attend the head quarters) be resident with their respective Regiments,
and not absent above 14 dayes, without speciall leave from my selse, upon paine of forseiting their pay
during their absence. And that no Col. doe give leave to any of his Officers to be absent above 14,
dayes, without speciall leave from my selse, the Officer so offending to lose his pay during their absence.
6. That the Diputie commissaries of the Masters in their respective Circuits and associations doe
certifies (by name) unto the Commissaries Generall of the Masters, every Master what Officers of any
Regiment, or belonging to Garrisons they find absent from there command. And that the Commissary
upon it doe make certificate thereof upon every Muster with all speed after receipt thereof to the
Major Generall, or those who give out orders at the head quarters in his absence.
7. That by vertue of the Commissions formerly granted for the Keeping of Courts of War in the
respective Regiments, each Colonell or Major to take care for the convening the officers of his
Regiment at a Court Martiall, once every moneth at the least, and examine what hath been done in
the observing and executing the foregoing orders and the Articles of War. And to certifie the Major
Gen. Or Officer issuing our orders in his absence, at the head quirters, what officers were absent then
from their commands and upon what grounds as is exp est in the foregoing Article.
That all offences mentioned within these Orders which have not a particular penalty appointed for
them be punched it the Regimentall Councell of War; Provided it extend not to the losse of place of
a Commission officer, nor to the taking away of life or limbe from any whatsoever.
July 28. 1649.
Imprimatur T.I.

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