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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 320, 10th-17th September 1649 E.533[4]

Numb. 320
A Perfect Diurnall
And the daily proceedings of the Army under his Excellency
the Lord Fairfax.
From Munday Sept. 10. to Munday Sept 17. 1649.
Collected for the satisfaction of Such a desire to be truely informed.
Printed by E. G. and F.L. for Francis Coles and Laurence Blaiklocke: And are to be
fold at their shops in the Old-Baily, and at Temple-Bar.
Beginning Munday Sept. 10
The Councell of State apprehending that the distemper
at Oxford might possibly by their example to others
be of very ill consequence, it speedy course were not
taken to reduce them to order and obedience, both the
Lord Generalls Regiments (horse and foot) Colonell
Okeys Dragoones, and Some other Regiments were ordred
to match towards Oxford, and Major Generall
Lambert was designed to command in chiefe.
A Letter was intercepted in the French Packet, directed
to the Lord Cortington, discovering by what instruments
the late Scandals were raised and fomented
against the Speaker of the house, and the meanes used by the Royalitis, to stir up the
Levelling Partie against the Parliament. A Copie of which Letter for better satisfaction,
I shall give you as followeth.
M[unr] it Please your Lordships,
Yours of the third instant came to my hands, in returne whereof Know, That all
our hopes here depends upon his Majesties compliance with Lilburne, and the
Levelling party, whose discontents increase daily, without which it is impossible for
any of his Party here to be serviceable unlesse upon their Principles: For my own
part I am Serviceable to that end with my utmost abilities. I have not been wanting
to endeavour the creating jealousies and discontents thereby to ruin the most Pot[unr]
in order whereunto, I have caused Lenthall the Speaker to be accused by Some disconted
persons prisoners, to whom I have been very prodigall both in rewards and promises
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