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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 320, 10th-17th September 1649 E.533[4]

any Hats wrought, or part wrought, or Hatbands or parts of Hatbands, ready
made or wrought; or shall sell, or cause the same to be sold by way of Merchandize,
Upon pain to forfeit the same Merchandize, or the value of them, at every time, and
as often as they may be found in the hands of any person of persons; The one half
of the forfeiture to be to the use of the poor of parish where the seizure shall be
made, and the other half to him or them that will seize the same, or sue therefore in
the Sessions of the Peace for the County, City, Borough, Town Or Liberty, or in
the Court of Record of the City, Borough, Town or Liberty where such Seizure
shall be made, or offence committed, by action of Debt, Information, Indictment
or Presentment, wherein no essoin, protection or wager of Law, shall be allowed to
the defendant or defendants. And to the end that the one halfe of the said Forfeitures
limited to the use of the poor, may be truly imployed and bestowed upon them, according
to the true meaning of this Act Be it further enacted and ordained, That the
Sheriffe, Bayliff, or other Officer or person that Shall levy or receive any forfeiture,
or sum or sums of money forfeited and recovered, according to the true meaning
hereof, Shall and may without further Warrant, deliver the one half of the forfeiture
by him levyed, to some one or more of the Church wardens or Overseers of the poore
of the Parish hereby intituled to the same, to be distributed and bestowed amongst the
said poor, upon paine of Forfeiture (by any of the said Officers neglecting his duty
herein) of double the value of what should have been distributed. And be it further
Enacted and Ordained, That the said severall Masters, Wardens and Assistants of the
said severall Trades and Mysterica of the Hatmakers, or Feltmakers, and Hatbandmakers
of the said City of London, or any three of them respectively, or their lawfull Deputy
of Deputies or the time being, for whom they will answer, shall have power and
authority within the said City and Liberties; and any three of the said Trades or
Mysteries, with the assistance of some Officer without the City and Liberties, to be
appointed by one or more Justice or Justices of the Peace, or by the Chiefe officer or
officers of the County, City, Borough, Town, Liberty or Village respectively, to
make search for Such prohibited Wares as aforesaid, suspected to be Imported from
Forraign parts, the same search to be made at all times in the day time, at Faires
and Markets, shops open, and Warehouses, wherein as occasion shall be, they are to
be assisted by all Conitables, Headboroughs, and other such officers of the Peace respectively,
for the better preservation of the peace, and execution of this present Act,
who are by the authority aforesaid hereby required to be assistant accordingly, to the
end that such seizure and prosecution may be had and made of and for the same, as
is before limited, and agreeable to this present Act; which is to be of force and Continuance
for the space of one whole year, from the 1. of October, 1649. Any former
Law, Provision, Statute or other matter or thing to the contrary notwithstanding.
And it is lastly provided and ordained, That all Officers, Searchers and others, who
shall act any thing in pursuance of this Act, shall and may in any Suit or Action to be
brought against them for acting hereupon, plead the generall issue, and give the speciall
matter in evidence, which shall be of equall benefit and avail unto them, as if the
same had been particularly Pleaded, Any Law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.
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