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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 320, 10th-17th September 1649 E.533[4]

Wednesday September 12
The Parliament passed instructions about perfecting Mr. William Hawkins
accounts for his Treasureship of Ireland.
Also Introductions passed for the Committee of Lincoln to certifie the accounts
of Col. Rossiters Regiment to the Committee of Worcester house, and they to
state them, and other instructions passed for the Committee sitting at Worcester
Master Browns act for allowance of 3000 l, was read the first time
Upon a Petition from Norwich, for triall of the great ones as well as the lesser
about the mutiny of old; some were ordered to be sent for as delinquents
to the house of Commons Bar.
An act passed prohibiting to Brew for Sale any ALE or BEER above ten shillings
the barrell, besides the Excise, as followeth:
Be it Enacted by this present Parliament, and by authority thereof, That
no Brewer or Other Person that breweth to Put to Sale, Shall after the first
day of October, 1649. brew to sell, directly or indirectly, any Beer or ale, or other
D ink wherein Mault shall be used, any Barrel of Beer, ale, or other drink
as aforsaid, or greater or lesser quantity proportionably, above the rate of ten
shilling the Barrel, over and above Excize payable, accompting 36 Gallons to
the Barrel for beer, and 32 Gallons for ale, upon the pain and forfeiture for every
Barrell the summe of 5 l and so proportionably for a greater or letter quantity,
to be levyed by distresse and sale of the Offenders goods, being thereof Convicted
by the Oathes of two sufficient witnesses, before any one Justice of the
peace, which Oath the said Justice hath hereby power to administer, and to
grant Warrant for distresse and sale of goods as aforesaid: and in Default of sufficient
Distresse, then the said Justice shall send such person to the Goal there
to remain for the space of three months, without ball or Mainprise: and if such
person shall offend the second time, and be thereof convicted ad aforesaid, Then
such Justice of the Peace shall cause such Offender to be sent to the House of
Correction, and there to get his or her livelyhood by labor for the space of six
moneths without he or she shall pay down ten pounds: for every barrell or other
greater or lesser quantity to brewed and sold (over and above the price or
rate of ten shillings as aforesaid) The One moyty of which severall Fines, the said
Justice shall give to the poor of the Parish where the Offence shall be committed,
and theo her moyty to the party that shal make discovery and prosecute the
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that it shall and may be
lawfull for the Said Justice to examine upon Oath any Victualler, Seller of Retailer
of Beer, Ale, or Drink as aforesaid, or other person whatsoever (other
then the said Brewer himselfe) what price or prises, directly or indirectly have
been made or other indirect Practise hath been used with or by the said Brewer
or Other Person to delude this Act and the good intended thereby, to the end
the said Brewer [unr] other person may be brought to condign punishment as aforesaid;
and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that it shall and
may be lawfull for any Brewer of Ale or Beer to sell Ale or Beer at ten Shilling
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