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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 320, 10th-17th September 1649 E.533[4]

the Barrell (over and above the Excise) and so proportionably a greater
or lesser quantity, any law; statute, or usage to the [unr]rary in any wise notwithstanding,
Provided alwayes, That this Act be in full force for the space of one
whole year from and after the first day of October, one thousand six hundred
forty nine and no longer.
Hamborough the II of August. Some dayes ago, Deputies arrived here from
the King of Demmark, the Duke of Holstein, and the Duke of Brunswick and Luneburgh,
to decide differences about some Lands on the Weser, to which these severall
parties claim. The King of Denmark intendeth to come to Glockstad. after the
christening of his child, the States of Denmark desires to have a meeting with their
King, how for time to come, that Kingdome may be in a defensive posture against
any invasion.
Nurnberge the 21. of August. On Sunday last the Deputies of the Crown of
Sweden, and of the Imperiall States, nominated out of the three Colledges, have
subscribed the things agreed on, the Emperours Deputie desired time till the Expresse
sent to the Emperour returned, so the Duke of Bavatias Deputy deferred till
he had a full resolution from his Master, which Doctor Oxell is to bring within few
dayes, further delayes had been made in the business if the Swedish Generalissimo
had not put in his papers, wherein he declared, that in case they would not make a
quicker dispatch of things, that he would and must provide for his Army, before the
Winter, for then it would be too late to draw off his Forces from the Empire, the
fault of these delayes they would fain have put upon the Prince Elector Palatine, as
if his not renouncing his Titles, were an obstruction, but others taking his highnesse
part, speak freely, that his Highnesse should be secured of some other dignities, before
he lay eth down these, his Ancestors deservedly enjoy'd At the close hereof
the Emperesse from the Emperour is returned with a full resolution, and tomorrow
Doctor O[unr]ell is expected from Bavaria, and they begin in the Kingdome of
Bohemia, to quit Garrisons, in the City of Erga they are to Keep yet, and the upper
Palatinate is to be restored to the Duke of Bavaria, except the town of Weyden,
because it doth belong to the Prince Palatinate of Saltzbach, but is held by Sequestration
by the Swedish, till the case of it be finally determined, the Prince Elector Palztine
is returned to Windsheim from Baiskberg, which the French delivered unto his
Highnesse, being Welcome [unr]by the Inhabitants thereof, in such manner as their present
condition could afford men, woemen; and children, pouring forth tears abundantly
for joy, to see their owne Soveraign to take possession of his own right
they stood in Armes, and by shooting, and feasting, exprest their joy, bidding him
welcome, His Highnesse was welcomed by the neighbouring Princes Officers.
Prague August 28. Yesterday the Imperiall and Swedish Officers, as Major
Generall Count Conte, Col. Copeis and others had a meeting upon the Bridge, their
Conference concerned the drawing off the Swedish forces out of that Kingdome
within few dayes, and about necessaries on their way, which was fairly promised, and
will be, no doubt faithfully performed to be rid of them, to which end, certaine
Commissioners are appointed to have a carefull oversight that no innormities be
committed in their way, in the meane while the Officers on both sides make great
show of friendship, in bidding farewell one to another feasting, drinking healths, and
such he Souldierly complements.
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