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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 320, 10th-17th September 1649 E.533[4]

Collin August 29. Generall Spar, having taken possession of the Abbey of Saint
Gillis neer Luick, end another Cloyster, out of which places he flung in so many balls
that the besieged were forced to make more sallyes then did them good, to set the
besiegers further off, but unhappily were alwayes beaten in with losse which brought
them to a Treaty, Kept in Hoy; in the mean while they sent to the [unr]wn of France;
and to the States Generall in Holland for assistance, the States had no minde to
meddle with them, unlesse by letters of mediation.
France its Said Ordered the Governour at Nintz, with 4000 foot and 2000.
horse; to their relief in the interim, the Archbishops Favourites in the city have agreed,
upon conditions, those most forward in these distractions, are to be imprisoned,
and to expect a condign punishment, the Archbishop in person is going thither to
settle the citty.
The French Governour of Maintz. Writeth to a Friend of his, that he is to march
away with his Garrison within ten dayes; to make a beginning of the agreement
conformable to the Instrumentum pacis. The Swedish will follow, who had received
a Million of Rix Dollers. At the Treaty betwixt Spain and France, its desired
that the French Keep Cataloni[unr], Portolongone, and those places, they took in
Flanders; the Spanish give no answer.
In Holland great preparation are made for the West Indies, Forty men of War
are setting out.
Surveys of Deanes and Chapters Lands returned since the Last.
P n'i decanat. The Mannor of Penlehouse in Edmonton, The Manor of Browns
in Hornesey, th Manor of Willesden alias Bowes, The Prebend
of Maplesbury in Willesden Com. Midd.
W[unr]stm decanat. The Manor of Remnisborn alias Hordenbury in Com. Hertford,
The Manor of B singborn in con. Cantabr, a tenement in Pleshcom.
Essex, The Manor of Whethamsted and Harpenden alias
Harden in Com Hertford.
Lincoln decant The manor of Crocton in com Lincoln
Ebor. decanat The Manor of Bornby in Com Ebor,
Roffen decant. The Manor of Stoke, two messuages and certain lands in Cowling
Frensbury and St. Margarets in Com Kent and severall messuages
and Lands in Lumberhast com. Suffex.
Banger. decan. The Deans house in Bangor and other houses and Lands there,
Lands belonging to the Archdeacon of Anglesey, Lands belonging
to the Archdeacon of Merionet h and P ennmuth Lands belonging
to the Prebend of Lanvayer Lands belonging to the treasurer
of the Catnedrall Church of Bangor, and Severall lands in
other places in com. Carnarvon, Anglesey and Denbigh.
Assaph decanat. The Deanes houses in Assaphard other houses and lands in severall
places, some houses and lands belonging to the Prebends of
Miliden Wyvod and the Cannons and Choralls; Some houses and
lands belonging to the Prebend of iLangful and ILanvay Talhayern
some houses and lands belonging to the Archdeacon of Disserth
in Com. Flint, Denbigh and Salop.
Exon decanat. Cannon bury house and Cannon Cholmelezes house in the City of
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