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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 320, 10th-17th September 1649 E.533[4]

Estates do at present keep their forces in motion, Stirring upon continuall
watch, and in posture to quell insurrections at home, or oppose a Forreigner,
and if either should attempt for all their vigilancy and care they are in judgements
and affections so startled and divided at home, that it would go [unr] with
them, I shall expect to heare thence more by next, and accordingly if any thing
of worth come, you shall find me
Your ready servant I.D.
Upon reading diver Petitions, as one from Major Gen. Mitton &c. Instructions,
passed, and A rears referred to a Committee and arrears and losses allowd
to others. The Earl of Salisbury it chosen a Member into the House for
Lyr, An act pessed for setling the Major and some Aldermen, and other Officers
in Winchester for the year ensuing. Also upon complaints of continuall
Robberies the house referred to the Lord Generall to dispose of his forces so,
as to give assistance to the Countries, and Magistrates there to prevent the like
for future.
An act read for repealing penall Statutes, for not coming to Church, by
which many tender cons[unr]eed people have suffered much.
In my last by Letters from good hence I acquainted you of the Prince his removall
from Saint Jermains but in those letters there was not any certainty
where he intended to set footing, and for satisfaction in this particular there
came Letters this day to the house from Colonell Russell the Governour of
I [unr] and other persons of repute, signifying that the Prince, the Duke of York
and other persons of note were landed in the Isle of Jersey. A Copy of one of
the Letters for better satisfaction I shall rec[unr]e verbatim.
Sir, wee have little from these parts to informe, from abroad little of action hath
been as in Flanders, and that way the season hath been so stormy, as that we heare
many vessels have been cast away, one was a Hollender, and brought 300 men to
Oftend, was cast away at the mouth of the harbour, and a great number of men
drowned. There was a great report given out, that the Prince was designed for
Spaine, and a match in treaty between him and the Infants, but that was only
to delude and divert the thoughts of those at Oftend, his motions being for another
way, and he is landed with the Duke and 300 men in Jersey; we here think,
and hear he intends for Ireland, you will shortly understand more from.
Your S[unr]ant T. H.
The Parliaments F. ectremaine still before Kingsale and keepe in the Princes
Fleet there, some papers were intercepted goin to the Marquis of Ormond
from Prince [unr] concerning provision of Victual and other necessaries belonging
to the Fleet, a Copie whereof is here inserted.
My Lord,
The ordinary way of his Myesties victualling the feet, with the allowance
to every man [unr] per [unr] is, Beer one Gallon, Be [unr] two pound twice in
the week, Pork one pound two dayes in a week, of Peace that day to each man
one pinr, Cheese four ounces, Butter two ounces, Fish is of a size one to the [unr]
men Bread one pound.
These provisions will not be had under 7 [unr], as the Market goes yet
To set, out his Majesties Fleet now riding at Kingsale, will require at least 1200
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