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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 320, 10th-17th September 1649 E.533[4]

The Committee appointed to draw up the Letters to be sent to the States provintiall [unr]
the same, which was read and Well approved off, (being full of Love, and desiring a correspondency
of affection and amity) and upon the question ordered to be signed by Mr. Speaker, and
sent away to the said States.
Upon reports from the Counceil of State, that there were not carriage sufficient allowed by the
Irish establishment for the regiments that were transported, the Hense hereupon ordered that the
should be two more carriages allowed to every of the said regiments, and that the same be inserted
in the establishment of that army,
An Act was read authorising the Commissioners of the Customes to impose fines and forfeitures
on such as shall offend in the execution of the act against importation of the Wines &c. of the
grouth of France, and was assented unto.
Saturday 15 September This day the Councell of State, were advertised
out of France, that the Lord Jermin and the Lord Percy, were Imprisonedy in France
upon information of their holding correspondency with the spaniard to the disservice of the french Crowne.
There hath not yet been any returne from Major Gen. Lambert, and the rest of
the officers; who were Sent to try the Oxford muteneers, but it is expected that
they will make Some examplary.
Colonell Desbrough: governour of Portsmouth is appointed to command the regiment
of Horse late under the command of the Lord Leiut. of Ireland.
The Quarters of horse September 1649.
Col Disborow. Regiment and a Troop of Dragoons. Cornwail, Devon, Somm[unr]
and Doeset.
Col. Tomlsions Regiment, In wiles, Hunts, Berks, Oxon, and part of Gloucestershire.
For the Guard viz. Colonell Whaleys Lord Generalls, Colonell Riches and
Colonell Fleetwoods, Ken, Surry, Suffex, Effex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Hartford,
and Middlesex.
Colonell Sanders, Warwick Salop, Stafford, Cheshire, Derby and North wales
Col. Twisleton, In Licolne, Rutland, Leicester and Nottingham.
Except Col. Maliverers present Quarters.
Major Gene[unr] Lambert Co. Lilburns, Lancashire, Yorkshire and the northern
parts, Col. Harrisons, Southwales and one part of Gloucestershire, Col. Okeys
Dragoons, Buckinghamshire, B[unr]ordshire and Northamptonshire.
It is ordered that Sommerset house shall be the headquarters for the Army, only some [unr]
Rooms are reserved for the use of the Trustees for Sale of the late Kings goods.
Some orders were past by the Councel of State in relation to the satisfying the Lord Liens. of
Irelands late desires for supplies of Horse, Saddles, pistols &c.
From Dublin further thus. The Lord Leiut. shews himseif as perfect in forrein experience, as he
hath bin successeful in his native Country, the wel ordering of his Army, and judicious carrying
forth of other Civill affairs are lookt upon with much admiration; Our Army is before Fre[unr]
and they which came from thence are confident that a good accompt will be given of that business
very shortly, Ormond withdraws, and many of the English that were in his Army come to us
daily, but Some of them very ill armed, in which respect it would be of good advantage for speedy
effectuating our present undertakings, that there be a constant supply of Arms sent to us, where
by we may be, able to support our selves, and supply such as come in for our assistance, [unr]
Oneal remains in the North of Ireland revenging his Quarrell against the Scots, seven companies
of Col. Hunks his men are by this time landed at London Derry where they expe[unr] the [unr]
3.Companies of that Regiments, which were left about Chester to meet them. Sir George [unr]
[unr] sent hither two good ships laden with provisions others are gon to Tredagh, and we [unr]
more from Milford Haven
September 15
Imprimatur T P.

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