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Mercurius elencticus, Number 58, 26th December 1648-2nd January 1649 E.536[31]

Mercurius Elencticus.
Communicating the unparalellel'd Proceedings at Westminster,
the Head quarters, and other Places, discovering
their designs, reproving their Crimes, and advising
the Kingdome.
From Tuesday Decemb. the 26. till Tues. January the 2. 1648.
Ridentem dicere verum,
Quid vetat?
Alas! What Feare the Saints live in,
What Torments they indure!
Nor was it likely so much sin
should alwayes rest secure.
How can they Pray, who cannot speake
Unlesse they doe dissemble:
Whose study is their faith to breaks,
Whilst Saints they most resemble?
Nor will they fight, who Clogged are
with crimsonbew'd offences;
With all the Blood of six years Warre,
Besides their League Wenches.
Sure then th' Advantages are Ours
(Both Heaven and Reason tell it)
And if we will unite our Powers,
They must submit,or Hell-it.
A Little Patience, Sirs, and the Saints will arrive at their Eccentric
all madnesse: so that (within a few weekes) they will move
but slowly: alterwards become stationary; at length Retrograde:
and then the time of our Deliverance is at hand. For I See not how
they Can exist, though Atlas himselfe shouldered their shrinking
Cause; since not Onely the structure (ugly as it Stands) is tottering
and rotten; but the very Foundation sandy, and sliding.
Nor will hands be wanting to pull it downe (though the Devill
also should lend them his Shoulder to Prop it) for now I am
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