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Mercurius elencticus, Number 58, 26th December 1648-2nd January 1649 E.536[31]

well seconded, not onely by our owne Party, but by some of the
Members themselves; particularly, Mr. William Ashhurst, and
Mr. William Prynne, the first Whereof hath published a booke against
that Pamphlet called the agreement of the people, containing
a Bakers dozen of his Reasons; for which the Saints may perhaps
requite him with the Bakers due, (if they judge them too
light;)the latter a Declaration and Protestation against the Jesuiticall
Counsels, and the Arbitrary and Tyrannicall Proceedings of
the Army, against the King, Parliament, and present Government,
&C. Wherein these worthy Members have not onely acknowledged,
and made good for Truths all that ever I have sayd or writ
against the Rebells; but in higher tearmes, have laid higher crimes
to their charge, then ever I (though I presumed they were strangers
to no vice) could Imagine them guilty of? And Why then
should not the people of England endeavour to shake off this bondage
and slavery they are brought to by meanes of the rotten hearted
Members and Army; now that they may see so much acknowledged
by these of their owne gang, to eminently knowne, for
such as have alwayes been privy to their Counsels, and the highest
of their designes; and who (knowing the wickednesse of their intentions)
declare the danger, and their dislike thereof; and thus
plainely protest against all their present proceedings, as absolutely
destructive both to King, Parliament, and Kingdome? Certainely,
if they be not wilfully blind, or stupidly senselesse; this
is enough (if I were silent) to informe them what is meant by Justice
and Righteousnesse, Liberty of Conscience, and Publick Freedome
(so much talked of amongst the Saints) and move them to
bethinke themselves of Some fit and speedy expedient, for the rescue
of his Majesty, and the preservation of Religion, Lawes, and
just Liberties of the Kingdome, all ready to be swallowed up by
the boundlesse Ambition and Tyranny of a few Insolent, Ignorant,
and Seditious Hypocrites.
And Surely the Number (that have so freely protested, and solemnly
Covenanted the defence and preservation of His Majesties Person
and Authority, with their Lives and Estates) is double the Saints
(I might truly say more) who are endeavouring (at this instant)
to destroy and subvert both: So that if these Traytors (Which
God forbid) should be permitted to exercise their intended cruelty
against His Majesty: Those pious Covenanteers doe not onely
incur the plenary guilt of highest Perjury and Treason; but also
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