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Mercurius elencticus, Number 58, 26th December 1648-2nd January 1649 E.536[31]

of such unpresidented basenesse and cowardize, as never Englishmen,
or any men before were capable of,
Nor is there any just excuse left them, who cannot but know
for what intent they have now posted him to Windsor, whither he
was brought on Saturday Decemb. 23. by that great Warrier Coll.
Harrison, whom Walker (the Hebrew-monger) salutes with this
Divine Interpretation of his Name, viz. a cleare burning Lampe of
the Mountaines of Battle: As Cleare an abuse as ever poore Cuckold
endured. Now, if you'l know it, you must know the Person:
This Coll. Harrison (he talkes of) is a Butchers Sonne of Newcastle
Underline in Staffordshire, and some few years agone, an Atturnies
boy in Woodstress, the same Zelot, who at the taking of
Basing, butchered three men in cold blood, after Quarter was given
them for their lives, using these words, cursea be he that doth
the worke of the Lord negligently. He is an insolent ambitions, fiery
Foole; yet a maine Promoter of the Levellers Doctrine: And
heere you have the cleare burning Lampe: His wife is Daughter
to Collonel Harrison (the City Mopus) a zealous Sister, but before
she was espoused, her Fathers 24 part of a man (a Devout Taylor,
but an ugly Varlet)called Robin the Drum boy, beate up her belly,
and got her with Baby, whereof she was delivered at Mrs. Blakes
house, the Matron of Christ-Church Hospitall, and (after she had
learnt the prime use of Allome-water) tooke to Husband this upright
Colonell: since which She hath ever beene (to Say no more)
a good Christian, and is still very Charitable to her Friends, and
counts it Holinesse in the Highest step, to abound with the Spirit
of Love and Meeknesse. And her's The Mountaines of Battle.
The next weeke (I hope) Walker Will joyne his beloved Mrs.
Ibbitson, and this Lady together, and give us the English of their
Names in Hebrew; for doubtlesse they would make a sweete Harmony:
In the Interim, I Shall desire the Reader to take heed what
credit he gives to that lying fellow (being the Authour of that
senselesse Pamphlet called the Perfect Occurrences) wherein the
last weeke he tooke so much upon him to feigne Dialogues betwixt
His Majesty and (he knowes not what) others about him, being all
of them as false, as he is ridiculously foolish, and invented onely
to fill up his smuty sheete, wanting other Garbidge for that (being
their Fast) day.
Tuesday, Decemb. 26.
The Common Hackneys at Westminster Ordered 2000l. (besides
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