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Mercurius elencticus, Number 1, 4th-11th April 1649 E.550[15]

Numb. 1.
Mercurius Elencticus.
Communicating the unparalell'd Proceedings of
the Rebells at Westminster, unfolding their designers, reproving
their crimes, and advising the Kingdom.
From Wednesday Aprill 4. to Wednesday Aprill 11. 1649.
Ye City Mules, and restich Clow[unr]bs
When will your eyes be cleare?
The Saints do laughs their [unr]
Keeps you (like Dogs) in feare.
Will you not stir till to the skies
Your City flimes mount high
Till for the aire you pay excize,
And languishing do dye.
The bloud of your late Pious King
Bedews the barmontion [unr]
And veageatte, [unr]
in the Almighties cases.
If Treason Perjury, Pride and Lust,
Murthen Ambition
May sinke be se saules, these munsters must
Descend to Phlegeton.
----quis me impune lacessit.
NEver till now could the Rebels promise themselves absolute
Dommination, accompanied with security, for since they
murthered their gracious Soveraign (and in [unr]ote even
God himself in the face) they question not to be move all inferiour
obstacles, with as much case, as Housewifes sweeps away Spiders
webs; have they not punctually performed the tenour of
their Covenants, and made their late King and most [unr] Prince in all
Europe? O most damnable [unr]
to erect his the[unr] in the forms of a [unr] and to [unr] Him in
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